XCVII. Alexander

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Saturday, 24th December 1938

Dear Diary,

I would do a normal run in the morning, as usual. But what's unusual is that... Hugo, that Frenchie, have decided to skip a leg day. Yet again, it's normal for him. It's Christmas Eve, after all. Of course, Hugo and I had our presents prepared two months ago, like every year, in case something happens because we're missing something to make our handmade presents to give to Isabelle and her family like every year since 1925. It feels like it became a tradition of some sorts in this time of the year.

After everything that happened, including last month - Crystal Night - the prospects of war have just increased ever so slightly. Crystal Night is just horrifying. The fact that Jews are targeted under Hitler's regime, among a number of minorities, is just... I am speechless. In terms of politics, and everything that relates to Nazi Germany, I am very grim about the subject as a whole. But, anyway, Hugo and several other people are trying to keep me out of the subject, wanting me to have a normal life and whatnot. I'm thankful for that. But, sometimes, I feel like it's a tad bit too much as they're just trying too hard and too much.

Today is just like every other year. There was mass, of course, and a feast that both Hugo and I enjoyed. Isabelle, too, has enjoyed it. Fine fine, yes, I was observing from afar. I can't seem to stop looking at her. However, I managed to steal a glance once in a while at her, because if I just stare at her all the bloody time, it's creepy and that'll make me a stalker. I don't know what it is about Isabelle but something has drawn me in to her. Maybe it's her charm, her intelligence, or something about her, besides her beauty. I'm not entirely sure.

Anyway, I would love to stay up extremely late today, but I am to be expected quite early tomorrow.


Sunday, 25th December 1938

I woke up at 6, deciding to skip a leg day today. I just laid there in bed, for a good fifteen minutes before the silence was interrupted by a knock.

"Come in," I said, and the King walked in. I looked at him before scrambling out of bed (almost falling off the bed too) and bowed.

"Your majesty," I greeted, looking slightly uncomfortable being in my pyjamas in front of the King.

"I didn't realise that you would be up so early, sir," I replied, commenting how early it is to expect him.

"Me too, Alexander, but knowing you, you are both an early bird and a night owl," He told me.

"Yet, it really does depend on the day, sir," I continued, "May I be excused so I can be in something...more presentable?"

He nodded and I immediately went to the closet, grabbed my suit and headed straight to the bathroom. I exited ten minutes later and I found that my bed had been made.

'That was fast,' I thought, knowing that the staff had just gone in here and did my bed. Strange, they weren't in here until 8?

"So, sir, what brings you here at this time in the day?" I asked, curious.

"Well, I heard from a couple of different people that you have the wedding planned out between Isabelle and you?" He asked me.

"Yes, sir. But I haven't chosen a date yet. I made an engagement, handmade ring, sir, but I..." I replied. The King nodded.

"You were nervous, and you missed the window of opportunity," The King stated, and I nodded, "But I'm afraid.... The window of opportunity is slowly closing."

"I know, sir, I'm planning to do it today, but before I can..." I started and he looked at me, "May I ask for permission for Isabelle's hand in marriage?"

The King smiled.

"It is a yes from me, Alexander. There is no other suitor that is more suitable for my eldest granddaughter than you."

I stared at him.

"Thank you, sir," I said. He nodded.

"Now, I must take my leave. I will see you later," The King told me and I bowed. Once the door was closed, I was grinning like an idiot.

I would be standing there in the living room, fidgeting with the box in my pocket as I hold Isabelle's present in my other hand. I stopped fidgeting and walked over to Isabelle.

"Your Royal Highness," I said, getting her attention. She turned to me and smiled. I smile back, before giving her my present. There was silence in the room.

"May I open it?" She asked, and I nodded. Isabelle opened it, revealing a binder, where it contains a number of portraits. Isabelle set the wrapping paper aside before looking through the different portraits. She looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you, Alex," Isabelle continued, before hugging me.

"No problem, Isabelle. If you ever need a commission, you know where to find me," I joked, giving her a wink, and she laughed. I'm pretty sure that my wink just made her swoon or something. I don't know!

"Of course, Alex," Isabelle stated, smiling.

Later that evening, I would be pacing in my room, extremely frustrated. Hugo entered the room, looking annoyed. He closed the door behind him and turned to me, folded his arms and waited for an answer.

"I know what you're going to say, Hugo. I'm frustrated with myself too," I stated, beating him to it, "It's just... I can't do this!"

"Do what? Propose to her? It's simple, Alexander!" Hugo fired back and I stopped pacing, looking at him. I scoffed.

"You think it's that simple?! It's not! Say you're in my shoes, and you're faced with this same challenge!" I fired back. Hugo sighed.

"You know what, let's just... don't talk for a while," Hugo told me, where I agree wholeheartedly, frustrated with him.

"Sure. If you're ready to talk, you know where to find me," I replied bluntly. Hugo straightened himself, standing stiffly and bowed.

"Your Highness," He said, before leaving. I hated myself for it and took out the engagement box. I was about to throw it but decided against it. Instead, I took a book and threw it across the room, yelling out in frustration. Throwing a book across the room was never something I would do, but in this case, I did, however.

Little that Hugo and I know that Isabelle had heard our whole conversation.

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