V. Isabelle

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Friday, 24th April 1925, Palace of Versailles (France): 

I woke up at 7, like every day, and got off the bed, heading to the restroom. I soon finished and left the restroom. My bed was already made as I saw a dress laid out on the bed. I changed into my dress, before heading to the dining room, where I saw my parents, and grandparents in the dining room, discussing something. As I walked closer, my father cleared his throat, nodding his head slightly towards my direction. Everyone ceased talking about whatever they were talking about and changed the topic immediately.

"Good morning, Isabelle," Grandpa, King Christian X of Denmark, greeted me as I got into my seat.

"Good morning, Grandpa. What were you talking about before I got here?" I asked them, curious.

"Nothing that you need to know," Father replied. But I stared at him with puppy eyes. Father sighed, before telling me about Prince Alexander of York, from the United Kingdom, and how he is a prodigy. They then talked about a State Visit to the United Kingdom, and they weren't sure if I would want to go.

I looked at my parents, before staring at both of my grandfathers, King Christian X and King Francois I of France.

"So do you want to come with us?" Father asked me.

"Of course, I do, Father. When will we leave?" I replied with hints of excitement.

"The morning of May 8th. You'll get to see Alexander in the state banquet, but I'm not entirely sure if you will be seated next to him," Father replied.

"Oh... okay," I stated, slightly crestfallen, "But is alright that you can put a word in and say that I want to sit next to Prince Alexander?"

Father would glance at both monarchs, with a bit of worry as the butlers serve breakfast, before nodding. I, on the other hand, ignored it as I started to eat. Everyone would start to eat as well. After breakfast, I made my way to the library, to get some reading done.

For the day, I had several periods of tutoring, ranging from horse riding to learning French, Danish, and English, as well as history and Royal duties. I would also have free periods, where I would discuss with Father about the matter regarding the state visit to the United Kingdom, asking him a lot of questions, and making some mental notes as I go, considering Father went there before.

Later that night, I went to bed at 9 pm, with a lot of questions surrounding the trip in mind. I was excited to meet Prince Alexander and the British Royal Family. I would still have a lot of questions on my mind that still haven't been answered yet. 

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