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Tuesday, 31st August 1926

Dear Diary,

Summer's over, and the trio has been in school for a full week, heading into the second year of our bachelors. Emily – Douglas's friend – had joined the group, attending the University with her bachelors. It's been barely a week and I've seen some changes in Alexander: more tired, exhausted, the desire just to work while sleep at the bare minimum. Had asked him what's wrong, and he forced me to swear an oath to not tell anyone. I soon found out that he's been suffering from sleep paralysis since our first year of Cambridge. I was curious about what it was, and after he explained it, I was terrified. He then told me he had been experiencing them quite recently, and the fact that his sleep paralysis demon was the King, expressing his disappointment in Alexander, which caused my best friend to lose sleep. The extra hours that he had gained from losing sleep was redirected to doing his assignments, and his role as Director-General of Regius Obligatus. To say he's operating on an average of four to seven hours per day really got me questioning his mentality and his decision making capabilities on various days.


Thursday, 30th September 1926

I would be at the dining hall, with Douglas, when Alexander stumbled in, with black bags under his eyes. He was rubbing his temples as if trying to get rid of a headache.

"Alright there, Alex?" I asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking, Hugo. Douglas, where on earth is Emily? I know that she's been working as the Assistant Deputy General Director for five months now, but since she's your friend..." Alexander replied, quickly changing the subject.

As if right on cue, Emily walked into the picture and sat next to Douglas.

"Hey Em," I told her. She smiled and said hello back. The trio of us would become a quartet, as we slowly bond with each other now that Emily is in the group.

The four of us would go to the same classes as one another, discussing our assignments, as well as to debate the different things. Douglas and Emily would have the same classes because they're doing the same number of bachelors. Once they are done, they head to the library and after I finished my classes for the day, I head there as well.

The three of us would be working on our assignments, as well as paperwork for Regius Obligatus, getting updated information from the branches through the agents physically bringing us the reports. It wasn't until just past 5 pm that we finally got to see Alexander walking over to our table. He dragged his feet as he walked over. Alexander set his things down on the floor before getting onto the chair. We just watched him, as he immediately fell asleep.

"He wore himself out and it's only a month into the second year," Douglas commented. Emily swatted his arm, where he yelped. I sighed.

"Alexander worked harder than you, Chief of Staff Everleigh," I told him, in a formal voice. Douglas just stared at me, with a bit of confusion.

"Just don't tell anyone, do you swear?" I continued.

"I swear," Emily replied as Douglas nodded.

"He got sleep paralysis..." I said in a low voice, "...Alexander's sleep paralysis demon is quite... terrifying."

I muttered the last part. The two of them stared at one another.

"That's why he's tired all the time, compared to last year. His energy has been drained," Douglas muttered, "Alexander's staying up just to avoid the sleep paralysis-"

Douglas never got to finish his sentence when Alexander woke up, looking terrified. He looked around, still having that terrified expression on his face.

"Sleep paralysis, Alex?"

"Yeah..." He replied after calming himself down. I glanced at my watch. 6 pm.

"Come on, let's get some dinner."

The others agreed, and stood up, getting ready to leave. But Alex sat still.

"Not going?"

"I'm not hungry. I'll just make something to eat in the kitchen later," He mumbled, getting his assignments out and getting ready to do it.

"Alright," I replied, knowing he'll likely just eat some fruits later before the three of us would go to the dining hall.

Saturday, 25th December 1926

Since it's Christmas today, Alexander somehow was nowhere to be seen. Douglas, Emily and I are currently at Sandringham, celebrating today with King George VI and the Director-General of Regius Obligatus was nowhere to be seen. Last week, he was sulking around Kensington Palace and considering by now, we have all figured eight out of the nine floors of Regius Obligatus's headquarters. They are the following:

Entrance; library; professional setting General floor (Financial department, Political department, Social department) Mess hall Offices (Heads and Deputies of other Branches) Offices (Bedrooms of Senior, Junior & Head and Deputy of British Branch; Entertainment areas) Offices (Heads and Deputies of departments) Science & Technology War & Foreign Intelligence

The ninth floor is currently undecided among the four of us. All of the required office supplies, among several other supplies and materials, are already in place for the eight floors.

Not long before Alexander mysteriously disappeared on the 23rd, as the Senior leadership team (consisted of Douglas, Emily, Alexander and I), had a meeting with the King. We went through the year's achievements, successes, failures, and future plans, where it includes budget information and the projected growth. Douglas also discusses the expansion levels in both Soviet Russia and Fascist Italy, and the construction level for all the branches in Europe, where it is approximately 40% completed, excluding Soviet Russia and Fascist Italy.

Later, roughly around 2 pm, I got a telegram from an agent that Alexander has been in Paris, with the French Royal Family since the 23rd, celebrating Christmas there. I read it, before making my way to the King.

"Your Majesty, sir, I just received a telegram from Regius Obligatus, French Branch, on your grandson's whereabouts," I told him, "He's currently in Paris, celebrating Christmas with the French Royal Family as we speak."

The King looked at me as if I'd gone bonkers before I showed him the telegram. He read it before he looked slightly frustrated.

"And not a word to his own family? Why would he pull a stunt like that?" The King muttered in frustration.

"Sir, there's only one possible explanation. Alexander wishes to see Isabelle. They are 1) in denial for feelings for each other, 2) naive about it and 3) they are attracted to one another, and they don't know that they're in love. It is quite clear, sir, that they're meant to be," I told him. The King just looked at me, before looking amused.

"Indeed... Thus, being in Paris for Valentine's Day and Isabelle's birthday. I think you know what this could mean, Hugo."

"Yes, sir. The possible union of the British, French and Danish ties through marriage. But, sir, this would then raise the question: What would Alexander do if he receives the crown? Would he step down and become a Duke and advisor, or should he maintain the crown?" I asked him, tilting my head slightly in curiosity. The King sighed.

"That is up for him to decide."

I nodded before bowing, leaving the room, with a million questions in my mind but with a few answers.

The rest of the day, Douglas, Emily and I would be celebrating Christmas with the Royal Family, forgetting our duties as the Senior Leadership Team of Regius Obligatus for a day, as we receive presents and marvel at them, among other British traditions. 

A Royal Beginning [Book 1 of The English Lion]Where stories live. Discover now