XXXIII. Alexander

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Tuesday, 29th October 1929

Since the start of the month, everything seems swimmingly decent, considering we're swamped academically, not so on Regius Obligatus's front. Today is just nothing different from the previous days, with the same routine repeating itself like any other day.

I was wrong by stating it too soon.

The senior leadership team was hanging out the apartment, working on our assignments in the early evening, when an agent burst into the living room, before recomposing himself and walked to me, as the four of us just watched him. The agent quickly bowed.

"Sir, a telegram from Max Dean, the Head of the US Branch, sir," He stated as he handed me the telegram.

Sir, I hope this telegram arrives where you are as soon as possible. There has been an economic issue here in the United States. The stock market just crashed, resulting in a swirling out of control motion, heading down a steep hill and into an uncertain future. I fear that this will impact the world, not just the United States, considering the world's economic situation, especially in Europe. How will this concern Regius Obligatus, sir? -Max Dean, Head of the United States Branch

I read out loud, looking more concerned by the minute.

"Shall I send a telegram to him, sir?" The agent asked me, slightly curious.

"Yes, but wait outside the apartment," I replied.

The agent nodded and left as the other three just look at me, wondering what's wrong.

"This morning was going so well," I muttered, before turning to Douglas, "Get the typewriter ready."

He nodded and got the typewriter. After setting down and loading it with paper, he turned to me.

Max, Cut the budget down, to the quarter of its annual funding. Get people to work on building the bases across the Americas, not just the United States. This will allow people to work, and not fall into the unemployed area. Hire people to help, giving them the rank of Trooper. This will increase our applicant pool, as the Troopers will become a feeding pool for the applicant pool. If the people see Regius Obligatus help for the better of the people and the nation, they'll be readily available through the volunteer system, which is being Troopers.

"Are you sure about this, Alexander?" Hugo asked me, as I closed my eyes, trying to figure out where I'm going with this.

"Yes..." I muttered, "Sign it off, Douglas. I'll sign it."

Douglas nodded and did just that before handing it over to me. Emily and Hugo just watched me, as I took it and signed it before folding it, and sealing it in an envelope, writing Max's full name and his position in neat block letters. I stood up and walked outside to where the agent was and handed it to him.

"You make sure this telegram is in Max's hands when you see him. Tell it is urgent and must be implemented right away, understood?" I ordered, "And if he doesn't comply, I'll know immediately, and I will make sure that he doesn't have the same privileges that he is currently bestowed to as of now."

The agent nodded, gulping with fear in his eyes before walking off.

"Make haste!" I insisted, and he started to jog. I closed the door and started to make my way back to the living room where I found the other three blocking my way, looking at me.

"What?" I looked, confused.

"What's going on?" Emily asked concernedly.

"Economic issues in America only stay in America," Douglas told me, in an obvious tone. I just stared at him, as if he'd grown two heads.

"Are you mad, Douglas? Have you forgotten the Great War, already? And the results of that war? We were in an economic recession when the war was over. Yes, we might have a good decade, but we are still suffering from the economic recession! The fact that the stock market has crashed affects not just America, but the whole bloody world! The people will no longer believe in democracy and capitalism because it will, to a great extent, fail, and they will look at other ideologies that are far off better in its capability to deal with economic issues, like fascism and communism! If the people turn to fascism and communism, the people will lose trust in the democracies and capitalism... We better keep an eye on the Weimar Republic in particular," I went off on a rant and by the time I was done, they all looked confused as to why I said this.

"Why the Weimar Republic? What does Regius Obligatus have to anything with this?" Douglas asked, clueless. The other two nodded.

"Regius Obligatus was set up, under me as the Director-General, to protect the United Kingdom, and to become the best espionage organization out there. In terms of protecting the United Kingdom, fascism and communism are a threat that threatens the very core of the United Kingdom, and her very foundation! In terms of espionage..." I'd sigh, "MI5 and MI6 may have a wide range of influences worldwide, but I believe that they're not as strict as Regius Obligatus, and they have to go through many people in Parliament and Cabinet just to get a raid or whatever approved. Which is unlike Regius Obligatus, an organization that directly reports to the King, and a far stricter organization."

They all nodded as I went and made myself a glass of water. But, the thought of drinking Scotch did cross my mind.

"In terms of the Weimar Republic...they have a very weak democratic foundation, and much of the population yearns for the past, and the Kaiser rule... A weak democratic foundation in a country where a small group of people supporting it... is quite concerning... Especially for Germany, because of the reparations and how this economic situation is affecting the whole world and Germany," I said, after draining the glass of water. I cleaned it and put it on the rack to dry before heading off to bed.

"You all need to get some sleep... Today's a roller coaster. Prepare for the fall and result tomorrow. Don't worry about it. We will deal with it with a calm head after a good night's sleep," I told them when I reached the door of my bedroom. They all nodded and left, going their separate ways. Hugo just stood there, before going to his room, looking tired and slightly shocked as I got into my bedroom, preparing myself.

I soon fell asleep when I got into my bed, pulled myself under the blanket, and hit my head on the pillow. 

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