LXIX. Hugo

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Wednesday, 22nd January 1936

Dear Diary,

Alexander seems to be a tad bit better now since yesterday. Looks like someone is losing his best friend? But, Alexander (that rascal), assured me that I'm still a close friend. I mean, we both grow up together, and I do know that I'm not losing the position of being Alexander's best friend. In his own words: "Talking to someone who knows half of me, but doesn't know the other half, provides another perspective. I'm not neglecting you or anything... I just need a new perspective, that's all."

I understand, and I'm not going to judge that. Life now after graduation hasn't gone back to normal. But I don't know even what 'normal' is, so to speak as my schedule is filled with meetings, training new members of the RAF, and hanging out with Alexander. When hanging out with Alexander, I got to have a sneak-peek into royal life and I realised that out of all the members of Regius Obligatus (in my opinion, which is shared with all the members of Regius Obligatus too), Alexander is the person with the busiest schedule, from fencing lessons to lessons in regards to the Constitution, among a great other things.

Now, when I saw him at breakfast earlier this morning, it was safe to say that everyone in the dining room was extremely worried. But, again, who's going to ask him why he isn't sleeping, or rather, have the lack of sleep. Judging by how tired he is, he hasn't slept since last night, yet, I have a sinking feeling that he didn't sleep since Monday for reasons I don't know why. But it wasn't anything like that his excuse was anything educational related. It has something to do with the King's death two days ago.

Enough of me dwelling on what-ifs, I have several meetings tomorrow, with some right after breakfast. I need to head off to sleep.


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