LXIII. Elizabeth

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Friday, 31st May 1935

Dear Diary,

Not long ago, Alexander had sent a letter home, asking if I would come and visit him at Cambridge, and to see him graduate. Papa has a letter from him too, and I wonder why he sent me an individual letter. I immediately wrote a letter replying the moment I finished reading his letter. Papa too had replied to his letter, according to Papa.

Overall, as the eldest sibling out of the four of us, I do look up to my brother, as I'm sure Antony too. I'm unsure about Margaret. Inspired by Alexander's devotion to learning and pursuing knowledge, I borrowed several notebooks... more like all of Alexander's notebooks just to have additional knowledge, besides the education that I have received from Alexander. Over the Christmas holidays (for Alexander at least), he had given me access to his secret library behind his bookshelf in his room. I would spend one to two hours in Alexander's secret library every day just to learn something new. For things that I don't understand, I would usually send a letter to Alexander or have a very long phone call with him, earning long yet detailed explanations to ensure that I understand the concept.


Friday, 7th June 1935

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is Alexander's graduation. According to his letter that had been sent to me yesterday, his graduation would be in the evening. I am very excited to see him tomorrow, and I am sure that Papa is very excited to see him as well. Grandpapa and Mr Churchill will be going as well, as it will surprise Alexander, considering I don't think he would expect them to be there.

I must get some sleep now, as I hear that I will be leaving early tomorrow.


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