LXXVII. Elizabeth

16 1 0

Tuesday, 31st March 1936

Dear Diary,

A lot has happened in the last month. From the re-occupation of the Rhineland - which had greatly alarmed my eldest brother, Hugo and several people a great deal - to the ongoing changes here at home in Kensington Palace. Antony now had a best friend, Max, who happens to be Emily's younger brother. Alexander had shared with me many things, but when it comes to Nazi Germany and their actions alongside politics in general, my eldest brother never spoke a word of it to me. Only to a certain number of people. I can only conclude the fact that my brother is very concerned with the events on continental Europe, and the uncertainty that the future brings, alongside the great possibility of another war that will descend on Europe, and the world, considering I have heard things through the radios and have read things from the newspapers, as I have manage to piece things together.

But, despite this, Alexander has kept on a calm face whenever he's around the family. I'm not sure how he manages to control his expressions and emotions whenever he's around the family. I must ask him as I am curious. Only a few people know how he truly feels inwardly. These included me, Hugo, Isabelle and Papa. I believe that there are a number of other people that know as well, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm not sure how Alexander has two separate masks: the private mask and the public mask, where it really changes interchangeably, I believe. It really depends – I think – on the day, the mood that my brother is in, along with the different events that are either on his mind and/or happening around the world. The masks are really just up to Alexander and how he uses both of his masks.


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