XXI. Emily

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Saturday, 16th April 1927

I walked to the dining hall for breakfast and saw that Alexander is somehow not there. I walked over and sat down, not eating for now.

"Where the hell is Alexander?" I asked, looking slightly concerned.

"What's the date?" Douglas asked me, and I looked confused.

"16th April. Why?"

"Notice anything... in particular about that date?" Hugo asked once he walked over with a plate of food and a cup of coffee on his tray. I thought for a moment. I then made a face of realization.

"See, with a bit of help, you'll get there," Douglas told me, not bothering looking up as he reads the newspaper. I just rolled my eyes.

"At least it's a Saturday," I said, while Alexander was getting his present prepared for later that night.

Throughout the day, the three of us would just work on our assignments at Hugo and Alexander's apartment, before it became quite late and both Douglas and I would leave, heading back to our shared apartment. We would be talking about the expansion to the Americas.

An hour later, we would somehow fall asleep in the living room, in two different couches, notepads and files everywhere.

Sunday, 17th April 1927

Douglas and I came over to Alexander and Hugo's apartment at 8 AM, and the moment we walked in, Arthur and Guinevere were chasing one another around the apartment. We would make our way to the kitchen, passing the living room. The moment we walked past it, there was nothing out of the ordinary, except for Alexander passed out on the couch.

Douglas and I glanced at one another before I walked to him and Douglas made his way to the kitchen. I woke Alexander up, nudging himself several times. He kept muttering under his sleep, something about Regius Obligatus, the King, and Isabelle.

Alexander abruptly jerks awake, eyes wide open in terror, looking around, as if he wasn't sure where he was. I looked at him, concerned. When he saw me, he relaxed and rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep.

"How long have you been here, Emily?" He asked, with sleep still in his voice.

"Just arrived a few minutes ago."

Alexander nodded, and got off the couch, making his way to his bathroom, stumbling along the way. He waved his hand in the air as if dismissing me, knowing that I might rush over and help him.

"There's no need, Em, I'm just getting used to the extra hours of sleep," He said, drowsily, before mumbling something under his breath, rubbing his temples as he yawns. I rolled my eyes before making my way to the kitchen, finding Douglas, and Hugo there.

"Alex's back?" Hugo asked me. I nodded as I sat down.

"How is he?" Douglas asked.

"Tired, and exhausted. He's used to the lack of sleep, and now he's getting used to the extra hours of sleep he's getting. Alexander got bags under his eyes and it's getting quite dark... To be honest with you both, I don't know how he manages everything," I replied.

"It's coffee, Emily, alongside tea, of course," Alexander's voice replied behind me as he went over to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea and a plate of breakfast then made his way to the table. He looked brightened up after changing and a shower.

"Every time you leave for Paris, you miss a day's worth of training, Alex," Hugo told him, reminding him that he has his RAF training. Alexander just scoffed.

"Ah... that's where you're wrong, Hugo," Alexander retorted with sass, "I train at the Paris Royal Air Field with an RAF plane that's been there since I first visited. The French RAF have kindly kept it in their possession, and kept it in perfect condition."

"More like Regius Obligatus keeping your RAF plane in check," Douglas muttered and Alex shot him a glare, shutting him up.

"Anyway..." Hugo immediately changed the subject, "What did you give Isabelle?"

"A horse," Alexander replied. The three of us stared at him, as he calmly ate his breakfast, ignoring the three of us.

After we were done, we would make our way to a local church, and then it's brunch. Once we were finished with brunch, we just visited the city for several hours, before we'd head back to Alexander's apartment to discuss Regius Obligatus. 

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