LXVII. Alexander

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Tuesday, 21st January 1936

This is my second week here in France, going on a Royal Tour of France (again, for the second time, but I'm not complaining though), yet this time, it was more focused in Paris, among other several aspects that are on my agenda, such as Regius Obligatus, but Regius Obligatus is more of a side note. Well... Sort of. Grandpapa and I would correspond with one another through letters alongside the occasional phone calls, as we would update one another on what is going on in either side. As I failed to receive a letter a few minutes ago before breakfast had started, I brushed it off immediately, knowing Grandpapa will send me a letter tonight. I would be having breakfast with King Francois I, Prince Frederick, Princess Catherine, her brother, Prince Ferdinand, and Isabelle when Douglas walked in. He bowed before walking up to me and leaned down, in order to whisper something to my ear.

"Sir, I have just received word from Buckingham Palace. I am very sorry that the King had passed away quite late last night," Douglas informed me quietly, and as soon as he finished, he left, in order to go and get my things ready to go.

 I was just sitting there, staring at my plate of breakfast. I was pale, but I looked calm, with no facial expressions to convey anything. Isabelle noticed me not eating, so did everyone.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Isabelle asked, sounding worried as ever.

"Grandpapa had passed away quite late last night..." I replied quietly, looking down, before I stood, looking at the King and Isabelle's parents, "If you excuse me, Your Highnesses, and Your Majesty, I will have to leave. Please send my apologies to the Head Chef as I could not eat the plate that he had served me."

I sighed mentally, thinking about how polite I am.

I bowed at King Francois, then at Isabelle's parents, then finally Isabelle, before leaving, heading back to my room. Isabelle stood and followed me.

"Alex! Wait up!"

I stopped and turned around.

"Yes?" I asked her, eyes conveying distraught as I keep my Royal posture.

"Well, don't mind waiting for us too? Grandfather wants to attend the funeral, Father, Mother, and Uncle too," Isabelle replied, "And don't worry, I'm going too. If you need someone to talk to, there's me."

I smiled a bit, breaking my Royal posture a tad bit, and nodded.

"That sounds lovely," I replied, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her. She blushed and smiled. I cleared my throat hurriedly before someone notices what I just did.

"Well, I better get back to my room. I need to pack," I informed her, before excusing myself and left.

After landing at Heathrow, I walked out of the plane in a black suit alongside the Royal Family of France. I heard King Christian X of Denmark will be attending as well. So... the Royal Families of Europe have come to London to pay homage to the late King George V of Great Britain.

I would be in the front row with the rest of the family, sitting in between Papa and Antony, with the pamphlet of the funeral detail in hand. I would occasionally glance at other people, mainly Isabelle and Uncle David, who is now King Edward VIII of Great Britain.

It then came to me, when the funeral is almost over, that I am now second in line to the throne, and the prospect of being the Prince of Wales, and heir apparent to the throne... isn't that far off at all... Once the funeral was over, I apologized profoundly to King Francois I that the Royal Tour was cut short. He told me that it wasn't my fault, as no one had foreseen Grandpapa's passing.

The rest of the day, Isabelle and I would hang out in Kensington Palace, as Isabelle would decide that she would stay here in London for a week, just being someone for me to lean on now that Grandpapa is gone. King Francios I allowed her, knowing that Grandpapa and I were quite close, and the fact that having Isabelle by my side, she'll be the someone who I would talk to.

Sounds a tad bit like therapy to me. 

Ain't it? 

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