XV. Isabelle

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Dear Diary,

Today is the 10th of February 1926. This is the first entry of my diary, as I recently acquired it early this morning. I just received a letter that Alexander and Hugo received promotions in both the RAF and the Royal Navy to Squadron Leader and Lieutenant Commander respectively. I have sent them both a letter of congratulations, but with Alexander's letter, I wrote more than I expect myself to write, where I included a lapel pin of the French fleur-de-lis to remind him of our friendship.

It's been nine months since I met Alexander. People keep asking me what I think about him. I don't know at this point, but, I do know that there's a charm to him, something that's irresistible.


Sunday, 14th February 1926

Dear Diary,

Today is Valentine's Day, and I have a surprise visit from Alexander. I wouldn't expect him to visit me, because from what I've heard, he's currently attending school. I told him that I wouldn't want him to miss school, but he acted like he doesn't care, because it was Sunday, so it doesn't matter. For him, at least. I'm a bit worried since I'm sure that there's a great load of assignments from school he needs to catch up?

Alexander has decorated one of the ballrooms with rose petals, among other decorations. He told me that it didn't take him long to do it. But I prefer to think differently. He gave a box of chocolate, a pocketbook of drawings, and a rose. Both of us talked for the rest of the day, and both of my grandfathers got to meet Alexander, as well to hold conversations.

After Alexander left, to go back to Cambridge to continue his education, I placed what he had given me onto an empty shelf in my bookshelf, as to serve as a reminder for me of our growing friendship. I heard Father talking to Mother, as well as my grandparents about the views he had in the relationship between Alexander and me. I wonder what they're talking about.


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