XXXVII. Isabelle

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Saturday, 7th June 1930

Dear Diary,

Alexander and Hugo came to my graduation today, and since I have finished my schooling, I am now in Oxford, of course with Father's permission. I was shown around the university and was staying with Hugo and Alexander in their apartment. Like a gentleman, Alexander decided to sleep in on the couch in the living room, offering his room to me. But I think he rarely sleeps, with Hugo confirming what I thought. I told Hugo that I'll talk to him about it tomorrow.

I just checked on Alexander, and I decided to talk to him about his sleeping problem. He just shoved it off and told me it was nothing. I reminded him that sleep is important, but he told me that he has a lot of things on his plate and that for him, as sleeping six hours is more than enough. After that, he just stopped whatever he was doing, and we were just talking for a good hour before we decided to get some sleep.


Saturday, 14th June 1930

After the graduation ceremony, I was with Alexander and Hugo, talking. Douglas and Emily seem to be in their bubble when Alexander's father came by. I curtsied when I saw him.

"Your Highness," I greeted him.

"Isabelle," He told me, "How have you been?"

"I've been well, sir."

"That's good to hear. What are your plans now that you've finished your masters? This question isn't meant just for Isabelle."

Alexander and Hugo glanced at one another.

"Well, Hugo and I decided that we would like to continue our studies at Cambridge University, doing our PhDs, if you don't mind, Papa," Alexander replied seriously.

"And you, Isabelle?" Alexander's father asked.

"Well, I'll be going to Cambridge University for my PhDs," I said slowly, as Alexander and I stared at one another. His face brightened up immediately.

"Really?" He asked me and I smiled.

"Mhm, I am. Which means we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

"Yeah, and I'll probably show you around the city."

"That sounds like a great plan."

Douglas came and interrupted the moment between both of us.

"Alexander, I got a telegram from Buckingham Palace that His Majesty the King wishes you to accompany him on a royal tour of the United States. He knows of the PhD plans in August, so you'll be back by the start of August," Douglas told Alexander, who nodded.

"Well, it looks like I'm busy for the rest of the summer. Tell my grandfather it's yes. Do you know when the tour is going to be?" Alexander asked.

"Next Friday," Douglas replied, and Alexander nodded, thinking.

"Get the whole senior team to tag along as well, Douglas."

Douglas stared at him, as did Hugo and Emily. I looked at him.

"Alright. Guess we're going to America," Hugo muttered.

"What about me?" I asked, slightly curious.

"I'll add it to the telegram too, ma'am," Douglas assured me. It was the next day that I received a reply from Douglas, and it was a yes from the King. It wasn't long before I sent a letter home to prepare for my journey to America.

Saturday, 12th July 1930

Dear Diary,

It's almost a month here in America, and I've been enjoying the change in scenery. However, I've been homesick for a while because I miss the food back home. There's a lot of things that's happened, besides meeting President Hoover of course. Well, this is a short diary entry because I am spent today. Today I had a lot of fun and awesome activities that I spent with Alexander. I was – of course – on my best behaviours when it comes to the State Banquet, and meetings with President Hoover, considering I am representing the Royal Families of Denmark and France.


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