XL. Hugo

17 2 1

Saturday, 14th February 1931

Dear Diary,

Today's the day where it hits that I'm a single man, considering the other two left the apartment this morning. Anyway, I get to hang out with Alexander's pets, which is a plus. A huge plus, that is. But anyway, whatever. Who cares about going out and having a date when I have Alexander's pets? Well, they haven't gotten back here yet, and God knows where they are right now. Regius Obligatus, of course, had a heads up on this, hence they are watching the two, and probably commenting how they don't know that they're in love. Anyway, Arthur is just nudging me to stop writing. That sneaky dog.


Saturday, 14th March 1931

Dear Diary,

Nothing's happening much. Except for the growth in the Americas, alongside me being the third wheel in the trio, and it seems like Isabelle and Alexander are getting to know one another better and better now that they get to see each other every single day. She notices the little details of Alexander's everyday life and vice versa. Why don't they bloody get married already? I'm fuming with frustration but somehow managed to keep my cool in front of the two. Anyway... Whatever. I think I know who's the best man at their wedding. I think I can start writing my best man speech now and I'll edit prior to attending the after party.


 Saturday, 28th March 1931

Dear Diary,

Guess who got into trouble for bringing up the idea of marriage in front of the two. Honestly, it was just a question about the future. Seriously, why are Isabelle and Alexander reacting like that? Wait... They're in denial... Or something along the lines of denial because I think that their future probably includes the other and they knew that. ANYWAY. I have way too much free time in terms of my mental state... Too much thinking and reflecting about Alexander's relationship with Isabelle. I'll stop.


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