XXXVIII. Alexander

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Thursday, 21st August 1930

Dear Diary, 

After a month and a half in America alongside the senior leadership team and Isabelle, I managed to see how Regius Obligatus is holding here. Max and Dominic gave the senior team a tour of the headquarters in Washington DC, and like the Headquarters at home, they have nine floors below ground, which was surprising because six months ago, they were halfway finished in terms of construction. Amazing how the economic depression has certain... benefits, I would say.

It was an amazing trip, and I got to meet President Hoover. Also... I bought several gifts for Isabelle, who bought me gifts as well. Well, Douglas, Hugo, Isabelle and I are now in Cambridge, while Emily is in London, working as the Assistant Deputy General Director there, keeping things in order. Besides, this, I received a letter from Kensington Palace earlier today... I have another sister. Her name is Margaret. Being the eldest and third in line to the throne while balancing my duties as the Director-General of Regius Obligatus... is hard work but that is something that I would do willingly to serve this nation.

Well, I'll sign off now. Isabelle is glaring at me, meaning that I need sleep. 


P.S. It's only the second week of the long journey ahead, now that I'm doing my PhDs. 

Wednesday, 10th September 1930

I got up unusually early today and got myself ready, before getting to the kitchen. I made breakfast for both Hugo and Isabelle, alongside coffee. I was in my world, and when I finished, after setting up the table and everything, I realized I made a full English Breakfast, along with Hugo and Isabelle's desired coffee. I just stared at the table as the other two just walked in, running my hand through my hair.

"Something smells..." Hugo started and stared at me, then the table when he stopped, "Bloody hell, Alex, you made that? Or did you brought a chef in here while Isabelle and I are still asleep and help you set this up?" 

"I guess..." I muttered, "I have no recollection of making this... I just did it." 

Isabelle rolled her eyes as Hugo walked to the table and sat down, at his spot.

"Well, why don't we just eat? We just can't let it get cold," He said, and Isabelle and I would sit down and the three of us started to eat. After we finished, cleaned up the plates, and grabbed our bags, we made our way to our classes, with Albert, Archer, Athena, Benedict and Mary following me. Arthur and Guinevere were following the five pups, not far from them. The professors here at Cambridge University don't mind if I have my dogs with me, as they know Siberian Huskies and German Shepherds require a lot of exercises, among other things.

We'd spent the whole day working on our assignments whilst talking to one another, going to classes, eating, and hanging out at our apartment with the dogs. Until it was time for sleep.  

Wednesday, 24th September 1930

Dear Diary,

It was the same thing that happened two weeks ago, and we ended up having a schedule drawn up for who's doing breakfast and dinner every day since we have lunch in the dining hall. It looks like I got Monday and Wednesday, meanwhile, Isabelle got Tuesday and Thursday, and Hugo got Friday and Saturday. Sunday is where we all joined hands together to make brunch. I'm all out English, meanwhile Isabelle's all-out French, and Hugo... is somehow somewhere in between the French and English food when it comes to cooking breakfast and dinner. There's also a tradition that every Wednesday, breakfast will be English Breakfast. A full English Breakfast, and it seems like Isabelle and Hugo look forward to it. No surprise there because it's good. Sunday is an interesting day because we managed to have teatime too, with scones, jam, and crumpets. Anyway, I'll head off to sleep now, now that I'm on Isabelle's good terms when it comes to my sleeping schedule. 


Note to self: never anger a woman if they are determined to change a habit of yours. Just nod, say yes and go with it to keep them on their good side. Angering them just makes things worse.

Friday, 10th October 1930

It was lunch when Douglas went up to me and handed me a telegram. 

"A telegram from the King, Alexander," He told me, and I nodded, taking it. I'd read it. 

Dear Alexander, 

President Hoover had sent me a telegram this morning, and he said that Congress has approved of the Pact that you and President Hoover had drawn up when you were in Washington DC. They have come up with a ridiculous name for the pact. The Hoover-Windsor Pact. A good yet ridiculous name. I sent a telegram to them saying that I will come back with a better name, after consulting you, my grandson. Here are my suggestions: The Royal Pact of 1930, and the Anglo-American Pact of 1930. 


Your Grandfather

After reading it, I thought for a moment, before I took out my fountain pen, a piece of paper, and an envelope, both of which had the coat of arms of the Dukedom of Cambridge on it. They're both custom made, yes, I've specifically asked Grandpapa for custom made, where he approved of it. I would start writing the reply. 

Dear Grandpapa,

The name, of course, is good yet doesn't have a ring to it, however. I had come up with the name: the Anglo-American Protocol of 1930. I hope that is a better name than the Hoover-Windsor Pact, allowing it to become more neutral and doesn't have to refer to two particular people. 


Your Grandson, Alexander

I would sign my signature below before folding it into perfect thirds, before putting it into the envelope, fitting it perfectly. I inwardly rolled my eyes at the thought of 'Perfectionist'. I flipped the envelope, revealing its front side, and wrote Grandpapa on it before sealing the back of the envelope. I then gave it to Douglas, who nodded and left. 

We'd soon finish lunch, pack up and head to our afternoon classes. After our afternoon classes, we'd head back to the apartment to relax and just talk to one another in the living room, de-stressing ourselves.  

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