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Saturday, 29th November 1930

The trio would be doing their assignments in the apartment, as they somehow managed to relax, knowing that the Christmas holidays are just around the corner, as they are looking forward to it, very excited for the holidays. They'd discuss the plans, and Isabelle decided to stay for the Christmas holidays, experiencing her first Christmas holiday next month.

Meanwhile, in London...

Winston Churchill would be talking to the King in terms of Alexander's education, and how far he has progressed. For the King, he was surprised, but then wasn't as much surprised because it's Alexander, that Alexander has gone up and beyond to do research and write a whole paper in terms of the history of British politics, and how that plays a daily role in the lives of Britons. Winston read it and was surprised, but being surprised was the least he could be, considering all things mattered. They then move on to the future of the monarchy, as the King would like to put it: "We need to keep a constant eye on the future, for the sake of the Monarchy. There must be plans in place in case a situation arises that might bring downfall to the monarchy."

As this was going on, Antony - a boy of eight - was in a private tutoring session, as his sisters were being carefree in the nursery. Antony, a linguist, has shown a love for languages at a young age. Hence, there were more private tutoring sessions in terms of different languages, and on several occasions, he has borrowed his elder brother's textbooks to learn ahead of himself.

Monday, 29th December 1930

Isabelle is currently enjoying her Christmas holidays in Sandringham, where she - like Alexander - received a lot of gifts from the British Royal Family. It was the first time that the trio got to see Margaret, meanwhile, Isabelle got to hang out with Elizabeth and Antony as Hugo and Alexander ran off to do their usual nerdy shenanigans. Winston - interestingly enough - had shown up, and has gifts for the trio, surprising Isabelle, as she realized the extent to which the man is close to Alexander and Hugo.

Friday, 16th January 1931

The trio is, safe to say, deserved a well-rested time away from school, as they made their way back to Cambridge, alongside Alexander's pets. As they were on their way, mentally preparing themselves for the term ahead, the King is making plans, and Winston begins to teach the young Antony in politics, rather giving him a general understanding and basis of politics, as Antony juggles his academic life at home with a carefree life as being fourth in line to the throne.

Monday, 19th January 1931

The breakfast schedule somehow got rebooted and Alexander was the first to wake up, making breakfast for the other two, not to their surprise, but to their surprise, Alexander seems to be more well-rested. Sometimes, Alexander can be an English bag full of surprises. But that does depend on the day, Alexander's mood, and the events that are happening in the world.

After all, the world just keeps spinning. 

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