LXXXII. Colette

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Throughout September and October of 1936, Alexander and Isabelle seem to be distancing themselves from one another, yet, they seem to get closer due to the fact that I update Hugo on Isabelle and Victor's courtship, and I really appreciate Hugo being there for Alexander. I do know that Isabelle and Hugo have been sending letters to one another, and it is just... unbelievable that Alexander and she are so blind to the fact they might be carrying out their royal duties, as they are still in love with one another. But no matter, Hugo and I have talked about other things besides the courtships between Victor and Isabelle, and Alexander and Charlotte. In my opinion, everyday lives are just now in chaos and Hugo too agrees with me, as well as a number of other people agree with me.

It was mid-October, and Isabelle called me to her bedroom, just to talk. From what I heard from the boys, they've returned from their short service in Palestine, as it was considered dangerous for Alexander himself to be there, fighting on the front lines. I'm not sure how Alexander will view his short service. I entered her room, to find her on the bed, with her blanket over her. I closed the door behind me, before making my way to the chair, and sat down. I looked at her.

"What's wrong, Isabelle?" I asked, knowing that something is wrong. She turned to me.

"I miss him, Colette," Isabelle said quietly, close to tearing up, "Every time I'm with Victor, I can't stop thinking of him. What should I do?"

"Well, according to Hugo, as we both know, Alexander is making the world believe in the fact that he is in love with Charlotte, but he's not. Besides, he got far more important things to worry about," I replied. Isabelle looked at me.

"Like what?" She asked, sounding slightly curious.

"Whatever is going on in Continental Europe, and the debate of his feelings for you. Trust me, I got this from a reliable source," I replied.

"You mean Hugo," Isabelle rebutted, before sighing and turned so she could look at the window, "I really don't know what to do anymore... It has been months since Alex and I talked since we're both busy."

"Neither does Alexander. According to Hugo, he's getting more... chaotic, to some extent," I replied, sounding worried. Isabelle just rolled her eyes, before throwing a pillow at me and I caught it. We then just laughed afterwards. We spent the rest of the day catching up on different things, as Isabelle and I would carry out our respective duties. 

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