XVII. Alexander

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Saturday, 8th May 1926

Dear Isabelle, 

It's been a year since we've first met one another. I hope that our friendship lasts our lifetime resulting in the friendship between France, Denmark, and the United Kingdom continuing to prosper. I know this is short, but I just know that I am very busy at the moment with a lot of things on my plate. My apologies. 



Saturday, 8th May 1926

Dear Alexander, 

It's alright that your letter is short. It's nice of you to remember that we met exactly a year ago. I also know that you have a lot on your plate, thus your short letter. I also have a lot on my plate as well. There were occasional times when I've heard my parents mention your name. I wonder what that was about. I'll keep my letter short, knowing that we both have work on our plate. 



Monday, 31st May 1926

Dear Diary, 

There are another two weeks of school here at the University of Cambridge, before Douglas, Hugo and I return to London. It's been a hectic year, and I've received a lot of teasing from those two in regards to mentions of Isabelle, and France since last month. It's been over a year since the launch of Regius Obligatus, and the Headquarters has completed in terms of the construction. So, all the agents based in London are starting to settle in, finishing off the labels for the different areas, offices and getting used to the brand-new Headquarters. Meanwhile, I have word that the bases in the European branches are near completion. The moment I get out of Cambridge, and the moment I return to London, I will rush to my new office in Headquarters, and be free of the constraints of my office in Kensington Palace, without the occasional random walk-ins in my office by either my parents or my siblings. Yet, I will miss the occasional – yet hourly and daily – trips to the kitchen, though. I have sent word ahead of time - earlier today in fact - to the agents to pack my paperwork, among other things, in my office in Kensington Palace, and send it to my office at Headquarters. Also, of course, I have been in touch with Winston Churchill in regards to my lessons on politics. We've both decided that the best course of action in terms of me receiving my lessons, would be the summer. 

It's been a year since Isabelle and I met, and with two stunts concerning me leaving Cambridge for Paris, we both correspond with one another through letters quite frequently. Besides Hugo, she's my only other best friend considering the three of us are prodigies. It made sense that they're both my best friends. Hugo and Douglas wondered who I'm writing letters to, and once they found out who it was, they started teasing me, until I shot them death glares and used the same old threats regarding the removal of royal and Regius Obligatus perks...

This will be all for now, as I am tired of today's commotion. 


Friday, 11th June 1926

Dear Isabelle,

Today's the last day of my first year at Cambridge, and I hope that I'll be seeing you throughout the summer before I go back to Cambridge for the second year. I've also been taking riding lessons, as well as starting my racehorse range, so I hope I can show you around the range. It's located in Cambridge, and the range is called Pax Regius (Royal Peace). If your parents would allow you, come over and I'll show you around. Even though there are some things I have to do, I'll postpone it so don't think that while you're in Cambridge, it will stop me from doing my job. Also, I will be staying in Cambridge for another week, just to check on Pax Regius, and my racehorse (Marte; Valour), before going back to London. If your parents also let you, then go to London with me as I'll be able to give you a personal tour of the city that I was born and raised in. Hope you answer soon.

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