LXXI. Antoine

15 0 0

Saturday, 25th January 1936

Dear Diary,

After the events in the last week, I am worried about Alexander, knowing that Alexander and his grandfather were very close to one another. With many meetings with George since he came to the throne in 1910, many secrets had been shared between both of us, I mourn for a time in private, for having to lose a great friend and a fellow monarch. One of these secrets includes the agreement to say yes to the request of hand in marriage between the Royal Families of France, Denmark and Britain.

Many different things were shared between George and me. Of course, we were best of friends, and when I heard of his passing through Alexander, it pained me. I had immediately decided to visit London, alongside Alexander to attend his funeral.

After discussing with Winston concerning Alexander regarding the possible ways of him coping with George's death, it has greatly concerned me, hence I allowed Isabelle to stay in case he needs someone to talk about. From what I heard from Isabelle: Alexander was fine. I wouldn't want to barge on to find out more if Alexander was ever truly fine. Whatever stays between the two of them is just something that I would stay clear of. Besides, it is good for both of them, regarding the fact that they need to spend more time with one another. It is not just because of this fear for the future, but for Alexander's future actions in regards to Hitler and Nazi Germany. I fear for what he will do in the future to protect the United Kingdom, as this worry is shared with Winston. In terms of Regius Obligatus, there were many interesting reports that greatly concerned France, among a few other important nations on my list. Of course, there were many eyebrow raising concerns in regards to Nazi Germany in particular, where I have shared with Alexander and the leadership of the French Regius Obligatus branch in the manner of approach to such concerning news.


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