LXXIII. Elizabeth

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The rest of January leads into February, and Alexander may be fine to everyone, but to me (as well as Hugo and Isabelle), he still is in mourning. It's February 1st and both of us are in the library of Kensington Palace, where my brother just laid on the couch, tossing the ball up and catching it when it fell, bored out of his mind.

I would sit there on one of the chairs, reading a book in French. Thanks to Alexander, I am now fluent in French, and beginning to pick up Latin. According to my brother, "Learning languages allows you to understand the mindset of a nation or multiple nations. It allows you to respect the people, the language, the culture, and plenty of other things. Know a language fluently, and you will expand your knowledge and perspective."

Douglas walked in and bowed.

"Your Royal Highnesses," He greeted me. I looked up, drawing my attention away from the book.

"What is it, Douglas?" I asked as Alexander is just silent, not paying attention.

"The details of the next Royal Engagement tour for your brother, ma'am. It has been requested that you will go on the tour with him," Douglas replied as Alexander and I looked at him.

"Where to, this time?" Alexander replied, sitting up, suddenly interested.

"The Netherlands, sir," Douglas replied, and Alexander just laid back down, "I know, sir, but according to your father, you need to have Royal Engagement tours elsewhere."

"I know, I know," Alexander replied, sighing, as if he is fed up with everything.

"I really don't have a clue what to expect to do on the tour," I said cluelessly.

"Oh, don't worry about it, dear sister," Alexander said as he looks at his watch, "Training is never too late."

"Training for what?" I asked, not really liking what it meant.

"Your royal duties, Lilibeth. You are part of the Royal Family of Britain after all," Alexander told me, as he got up, straightened his clothes. I'd sigh.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Oh, just for a walk. Care to join me?" He replied and I nodded, closing the book. I put the book back and soon both of us would go on our walk.

The rest of the month consists of us being in the Royal Tour in the Netherlands, and Alexander was put out by the fact that he couldn't continue his Valentine's tradition with Isabelle. I could tell that he was extremely annoyed by it. 

A Royal Beginning [Book 1 of The English Lion]Where stories live. Discover now