XIV. Hugo

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Sunday, 20th December 1925

Alexander, Douglas and I just returned to London yesterday, as Alexander and I prepare to earn our Observers Wings. Right after lunch, Alexander came up to me, with Douglas following.

"Hugo, we have a meeting with my grandfather now," Alexander informed me.

"Do you know what it's about?" I asked, curious.

"I don't. But it's definitely urgent," Alexander replied, shaking his head, hating not knowing everything, considering he looks frustrated.

I nodded and followed them after I made myself look presentable.

We soon arrived and were shown inside to the King's private study. We bowed and waited for the King's attention. He puts his papers away and looks at the three of us.

"I called you three here to report Regius Obligatus's situation. I trust you know what that means, Alexander," He said, and Alexander nodded.

"Financially, I have personally invested in companies throughout different industries. Two notable companies I've invested in are Rolls Royce and Royal Enfield. I have also invested in local businesses, like restaurants and hotels. Hugo has taken care of that part for me, meanwhile, Douglas has taken care of the recruitment agents, as we now have..."

"1080 privates, 140 Staff Sergeant, 70 Warrant Officer Class 2, 28 Warrant Officer Class 1, and we have the Heads and Deputies for the individual departments as well as the British Branch," Douglas stepped in, as I stayed silent the whole time.

"For the construction of the headquarters, it was approximately twenty per cent finished, and the three of us have decided other ways to fund Regius Obligatus, as well as managing the budget for the upcoming year. The budget, based on the projected profit from the investment, the restaurants, and hotels, a small number of which we have bought, includes salaries, which make up 20% of the overall budget, and 40% of the budget will be saved for the headquarters as Regius Obligatus is still an organization in the making," I spoke up at last. The King nodded, not asking any questions at the moment, as the three of us glanced at one another before Alexander spoke of future plans (Five-year, Ten-year, Fifteen-year, and Twenty-year projection of Regius Obligatus growth), where the growth includes increased military training, the domination of the international intelligence and espionage game.

"What about the rest of the budget, Hugo?" The King asked me.

"The rest of the budget will be headed towards the plans for expansion towards France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and Bosnia meanwhile Italy and Soviet Russia will be discussed at a later date," I continued, "like an investment and the recruitment of agents. Everything we've done here in the United Kingdom serves as the foundation for future expansion plans, which will be slowly rolled out over the next couple of years."

The King nodded, before adding what he thinks is important, which includes the possibility of Regius Obligatus having a special department, the most elite department. Alexander nodded, saying that he'll take care of it.

For the next week or so, we've put Regius Obligatus off our minds, as the three of us had our first Christmas Eve together at Sandringham, as friends and I get to enjoy what Christmas was like with Alexander's family.

When I received presents the next day, most of them from the Royal Family, I didn't expect it. But, what do you know? I'm a friend of Alexander's, which means I get to have presents as well. A few days later, on the 30th, Douglas informed both Alexander and I concerning the 160 agents that had been recruited, and the Letters of the Crown being sent. Great, that means there are 1240 agents in total, and Regius Obligatus is growing.

Saturday, 2nd January 1926

By this time, we still haven't appointed an Assistant Director yet, but no matter, considering the three of us are somehow still managing Regius Obligatus ourselves. The headquarters' construction is now, I'd say, thirty per cent finished. The three of us meet at Alexander's office in Kensington Palace, where we discussed the overall agenda and goals for this year.

"Considering we are expanding Regius Obligatus's influence into Europe, all agents must be required to have dog tags, which will include their name, branch, and department," I told them, "As it is a small expense, the moment they are recruited, Regius Obligatus will provide it to them. Every time they get promoted, their old dog tag will be recycled, to help it contribute to the new dog tag."

Alexander and Douglas nodded, noting it down.

"Since we're on the topic of expansion, what is the goal for recruitment of each branch?" Douglas asked. I looked at Alexander, seeing he's thinking.

"How about 1000? It'll be a temporary cap limit, just to keep everything under control, before we can do any more recruitment. We need to make sure that Regius Obligatus in the branches are stable before we can do anything else," Alexander replied.

Douglas nodded, writing it down.

"Remind me, where are we expanding again?" Douglas asked, looking innocent. I look at Alexander again, this time slightly confused.

"France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Lithuania, and Bosnia."

Douglas and I nodded, as both of us wrote it down.

"There'll be volunteers being recruited too, right?" Douglas asked.

"Mhm. They're called Troopers," Alexander replied.

"Meanwhile as both of you do that, Alexander, why don't we hammer out the financial situation for each branch?" I asked him.

"Of course. We would invest in each branch's strength in industries, as well as their businesses and restaurants. Like what we did here."

"Of course," I muttered, thinking that the setup here in Britain serves as a model for future branches and expansion, as it's easier for us to see something that's working and replicate it. After all the questions to clarify things, we pack up, and head over to the range, trying to spend our Christmas holiday as much as possible, before we return to school.

Thursday, 7th January 1926

Alexander and I received our Observers Wings today, after a short period preparing for it.

"Youngest members of the RAF to receive them. Damn, right we are," I muttered, as I walked with Alexander to his office, where we would just hang out.

"Pfft. You know, Cabinet doubts everything about me. From Regius Obligatus to my capability as the Duke of Cambridge, as well as doing my military career. I mean. Who do they think they are?" Alexander started to rant.

"Alexander, calm down. We're both prodigies, and no one in their right mind would support us in things like this, except for your grandfather, the King," I calmed him down, who rolled his eyes, saying 'Whatever'.

A week later, Douglas, Alexander and I returned to school. For the next few weeks, up until the 31st, nothing happens except for us doing our assignments, attending classes and whatnot.

The 31st of January is another big day for the three of us, as the application process of heads, deputies and heads & deputies of departments of the following Branches: France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Lithuania, and Bosnia begins as agents in those respective branches are being recruited.x 

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