XLIII. Winston

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Friday, 30th October 1931

The King and I would have an afternoon together, talking about Alexander's progress in terms of his political lessons over the summer, and winter break. Alexander is a very bright student. Just safe to say, he will excel and succeed, and he will bring change to the monarchy. Of course, over the summer, he told me about Regius Obligatus, and made me the Political Advisor to Director-General, hence I have allowed full access to headquarters under Hyde Park. I got a full tour earlier this month from one of the agents there, and I must say, it is very impressive. The planning that it took, considering the details and the architecture here, is very outstanding. It is in no doubt that Alexander has inspirations from architecture across Europe, as I am sure that he read books in regards to the subject of architecture itself for the sole purpose of research.

Friday, 27th November 1931 Dear Alexander, I hope you are alright, considering that you have a workload consisting of your academic workload, RAF and Royal Navy training, and Royal engagements. I'm just writing to see if you're alright, and the fact that now I have more than enough time on my hands, considering I am no longer Chancellor of the Exquencher for over two years now. I will now, as the Political Advisor, draw up different plans for Regius Obligatus and how they blend into the political world. I hope you do have plans for the Christmas holidays, and we will discuss it. -WinstonFriday, 27th November 1931 Dear Winston, I will draw up plans for the Christmas holidays, and have it be discussed with you. Sorry for the short letter, but you know how busy my life is right now. -Alexander

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