LV. Winston

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Tuesday, 19th December 1933

I am in Alexander's office at Regius Obligatus, waiting for him. It wasn't long before he entered his office, reading a paper. Which was typical for him to see him like that. He closed the door, then looked up, saw me and quickly put the paper away.

"Oh, hello Winston. No one told me you were here. Did you wait for long?" Alexander asked.

"No. I just arrived a few minutes ago. I have helped myself with a glass of bourbon if you don't mind," I told him, as I raised my glass so he could see. Alexander scoffed.

"The bourbon only existed because I know that you're the only one who would drink it. Douglas and Emily stick to tea, coffee and water. Hugo and I stick to Scotch, tea, coffee and water," Alexander told me, as he put the paper on his desk, then moved to fix himself with a glass of Scotch before sitting down at his desk, setting the glass down.

"What can I do for you, Winston?" Alexander asked me, looking curious.

"Well, you know about the situation with Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. Like you, I have been keeping tabs on him, thanks to Regius Obligatus," I started as Alexander nodded, "And I know Regius Obligatus is in full war mode, preparing for the worst."

"Yes," Alexander confirming what I said, before sipping his glass of Scotch, "It is the best course of action, as I don't think MI5 and MI6 give a damn about Hitler and his shenanigans as of this moment, hmm?"

"Indeed," I told him, "Which leads me to the fact of the German Question. You know, as a student of history, Alexander, that prior to the Great War, with your Great Uncle, Kaiser Wilhelm II."

Alexander nodded, immediately knowing where I am going with this.

"The German Question. The same general principle applies here, right?" Alexander asked and I nodded, "Which means we never know what Germany is up to until too late. Nonetheless, we can prepare for all things necessary."

"Indeed," I told him, not surprised that he immediately knew where I was going with this, and the fact that he was on the right path of thinking.

"Which, in my point of view, Regius Obligatus should prepare for the worst, and the worst being war," Alexander continued, and I nodded.

"If our government desires peace with the tyrant, I, like a few others, would voice our opinions against it. For you, however, as a member of the Royal Family, I'm afraid, are not eligible for a political stance," I addressed, where Alexander nodded.

"Of course. But enough of politics now, Winston. You may be my Political Advisor, but you are not dull," Alexander told me, sipping his glass of Scotch, "It is almost Christmas, is it not?"

I'd chuckled.

"Indeed," I replied. The two of us would then just talk about his academic life, and what he finds interesting about the University, alongside plenty of other things.

Friday, 12th January 1934

Alexander, Colette, Hugo and Isabelle would be at the train station, alongside me, the Duke of York - his father - and Douglas. Alexander and I would talk for a bit, knowing the other would send letters back and forth. After they left, the Duke of York and I would make our way back to the car, talking about Alexander and Antony's progress with me in terms of lessons.

Least to say, they are both thriving, and the Duke of York is proud of the fact that his sons are taking their duties to serve the public and duties as the members of the Royal Family seriously. I would be spending the rest of the day like always when Alexander is in Cambridge, as we both wouldn't have our normal weekly conversations about politics. Speaking of politics, I do hope that someone who will be the next elected Prime Minister will be better equipped in dealing with Hitler and Germany, for Hitler and Nazi Germany raises some ideal concerns coming from me.

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