XLIV. Antoine

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Saturday, 26th December 1931

Dear Diary,

Considering Christmas was yesterday, Prince Alexander has visited Paris this year, spending it with the French Royal Family once more. It has been a long year, and it was a good day to relax, spending it with family. It is good to know that in the last six years, Alexander and my granddaughter, Isabelle, have gotten along with another just fine, yet, however, when you have a closer inspection in the relationship between Alexander and Isabelle, they are much closer than they two would have believed. They think they're just extremely close friends, but they seem to be in denial about their feelings towards one another, or the fact that they don't know how to comprehend these feelings. My present that was given to Alexander was a French political book, which will help him understand the nature of French politics, as it provides the overview and basis to understand French politics. Alexander has thanked me profusely, and promised me that he will read this book back to back, cover to cover, so that he will have a greater understanding and knowledge about French politics, and promised me that he will send me essays to see how I would agree with his opinions, among other things. I am looking forward to these essays and wonder what opinions he would draw up. I will have to ask Winston regarding what I will be needing to look forward to in these essays.


Saturday, 30th January 1932 

Dear Diary,

I have read Alexander's essays, and I must say... he is very convincing, and it is interesting to see his view of things. Of course, I have several conversations with Winston, who had taught Alexander lessons on politics, and I have agreed with what he had said in terms of what Alexander has to offer when it comes to the monarchy. He is, safe to say, someone who will earn the respect of the people, not just the British people, but people worldwide.


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