XIX. Isabelle

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Sunday, 2nd January 1927

Alexander was in the library when I walked in there, reading.

"What are you reading?" I asked him, as curiosity made its way into my voice.

"Homer's The Odyssey, in Latin. Why?" Alexander answered, slightly offhanded, showing me the book's cover, as I walked closer.

"Nothing. I read it in English, but excerpts. I wouldn't expect you to read it in Latin and the whole book."

Alexander laughed, closing his book, putting his bookmark where he was, before setting the book aside and looked at me, slightly amused.

"If you're interested, I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts in Latin," He stated after a few moments of silence.

"Is that even possible at Cambridge?"

"Yes. Besides Latin, I'm taking several other languages for my bachelors."

"What is it?" I asked, sounding more curious about it.

"German, French, English, Italian, Russian and of course, Latin."

"Wow... You're learning more languages than I am," I giggled as Alexander smiled. But I was kind of surprised inwardly, thinking 'What could possibly prompt him to learn that many languages?'

"Yeah, I suppose so. But, if I remember correctly, German is quite similar to Danish, in terms of some overlaps, right?" He asked me, with some air of thought and curiosity in it. I walked over to a chair and sat down, not knowing how long we'll be talking before answering. Alexander just watched me, waiting patiently.

"Yes, there is some overlap, and the way to pronounce several words, if not all, is very similar," I replied, "Why?"

Alexander stood up and paced around for a bit, looking concentrated, as if he is debating something before falling back onto a nearby chair, arms flailing, looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't know if truth be told. I want to talk in Danish so I can impress your grandfather and father."

I stared at him, thinking that he's overworking himself or something.

'Now I'm slightly worried...' I thought to myself, 'He's doing too much.'

"But, enough about me. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts, as he glanced at me.

"Oh, I was trying to find a book," I replied.

"What book is it? I'll help you find it."

So, I told him the name and the author of the book, and we would both help one another find the book. After we found the book, both of us would be reading our book, as we both sat on the sofa. We would sit not far from one another, just reading in peace.

Saturday, 8th January 1927

I was at the airport with Mother and Alexander. Both of us would get out of the car, as I made no indication that I was going to leave with him. A lot of people that I don't know would take out Alexander's luggage from the car's trunk and board the plane with it. I look slightly confused at them, while Alexander doesn't mind that they're just transferring his luggage.

"Must you really go?" I asked him, eyes pleading him to stay. Alexander looked around, before looking at me, sighing. I realized I'm clingy, but I guess it comes naturally. Mother would just watch our interaction.

"I'm afraid so. I'll write, and I'll add a small portrait of myself as well. Both of us have school, and I don't think either of us wants to miss school," Alexander told me, with the air of reason in his reply. I just stared and huffed, stomping the ground a bit. I then looked up at him, considering he was two heads taller than I was. My eyes were a bit teary before I jumped up slightly to hug him. Alexander stumbles back slightly, looking slightly confused before hugging me back.

Alexander then removed his arms, muttering sincere apologies, before leaving. I was just left there, as Alexander would be talking to the men I don't know about before going back to the car, wiping my tears away, trying to not let Mother see it.

But then she did.

"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing's wrong," I mumbled in reply.

"Did Alexander do something to you?"

"No," I replied firmly, knowing what she might be implying. The car started making its way back to the Palace of Versailles, and I was silent during the whole trip as Alexander made his way back to Cambridge. Mother and I wouldn't talk about today's incident.

Monday, 14th February 1927

I've made an official excuse with my University that I'll not be attending today. I found myself in a plane, half an hour into the flight to Cambridge, at half-past eight in the morning, deciding to surprise Alexander.

The plane landed; I made my way into a car with my French escorts before the car made its way to the University. It was half an hour later when I arrived and made my way to the dining hall. Everyone would stop talking the moment I walked in. I scanned the dining hall as everyone returns their attention to one another, talking quietly to themselves.

"Looking for someone?" Alexander's voice came from behind me, so I turned and smiled.

Alexander laughed as I ran over and pulled him into a hug, as he twirling me around. I laughed as well. Douglas and Hugo would watch, smirking, making me slightly confused. There was a woman who accompanied them as well.

Alexander set me down, before turning to the three of them.

"Scram you three, or no perks," He quickly shooed them away before turning back to me. Hugo rolled his eyes, knowing that he was joking, as they walked into the dining hall.

Throughout the day, I would accompany him to his classes, experiencing what it's like to attend the University, and you can see his face brighten up throughout the day.

Soon after dinner ended, I told him that I have to leave because I have classes tomorrow. Alexander's expression dropped immediately, but he nodded, telling me that he understood. I then left, feeling a bit guilty.

I enter the Palace of Versailles and head straight to my room. I ignored any questions before entering my room. I changed then got on to the bed, doing my assignments until it was my usual sleep time and I soon fell asleep. I was properly tucked into bed by Father, who went to check up on me. 

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