VII. Hugo

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Saturday, 25th April 1925

It was around lunchtime when Papa answered the phone. He and whoever was talking for quite some time. After he was done, he set it down and looked at me.

"Prince Alexander needs you at Kensington Palace. He said it was an urgent matter," Papa informed me. I nodded before standing up and walking to my room.

After half an hour, I was standing there at the entrance of Kensington Palace, waiting for Alexander. I heard loud yet unexpected bustling behind me, so I turned. What I saw shocked me.


"Oh, hey Hugo. Yeah. I've been doing my riding lessons, as well as training at the RAF base all morning. That's why I can't see you at all until now."

I just stared at him.

'Horse riding lessons and he is serving his country? Blimey,' I thought, but then Alexander pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Why don't you get yourself comfortable in the library? I won't be there for long. I need to clean up," Alexander recommended. I nodded absentmindedly as Alexander sprinted to his room. John, his butler, would then lead me to the library, where I've ordered tea, and scones amid waiting. Douglas soon joined me here.

"Wonder why Alexander called us?" I asked, wondering out loud.

"Like you, I have no idea. He seems busier today though," Douglas commented.

"Yeah. Responsibilities that come with being the Duke of Cambridge, and being the Director-General," I replied, "You haven't heard the news...?"

Douglas just sat there, in silence.

Alexander walks in, while John bringing tea and scones. After John and several other butlers had set down the tea and scones and left, Douglas and I looked at Alexander.

"Now. There are several problems relating to three of our departments: War Intelligence, National Security and the Science and Technology Department," Alexander informed us.

"And I was planning to divide those three apartments into two different areas as all of us here in this room know that Regius Obligatus will be a British global espionage organization soon. This is dictated through the two different areas where it will be looking at the branch as a nation, and the international area that relates to that branch and the United Kingdom," He dictated after a moment of silence.

"Uh-huh... Carry on," I muttered as I wrote notes.

"Department A will be National, and Department B will be International. I will not expect you both to use A and B to differentiate the two parties, but that really depends on you and the level of organisation you both have," Alexander mused, and we chuckled.

"So, for the War Intelligence Department, A will be the focus on the Homefront, Volunteer programs and Aid relief and B focuses on tactics, technology, military, defence," Alexander continued to dictate then paused, so I can write notes down. I nodded, letting him continue.

"The National Security Department. A focuses on those who are a threat to the nation (examples including monitoring & infiltrating jobs ranging from the Royal Household to Cabinet, to the government and ordinary jobs, but unique to that branch only), while B does the same thing but with international governments. What this means is, we both got domestic and foreign agents in other branches, as the United Kingdom's government is exempt from this rule, as they will have only domestic agents," Alexander's dictation just continued, as I'm unsure of when he'll be finished. I stared at him before I wrote the notes, as did Douglas.

'This is madness. The level of espionage has risen with this,' I thought. I finished writing and nodded.

"Finally, the Science and Technology Department. A focus on medicine & technology, the efficiency of technology through medicine (this includes the recruitment of scientists and others) while B works with the War Intelligence Department to improve warfare technology. Understood?" Alexander said lastly.

I nodded as I finished writing my notes.

"Well, that is it for now. I will have updates for you in the following weeks. Oh, and happy birthday, Hugo," Alexander told me. My ears went slightly red as Douglas told me the same thing as well.

"Thanks, guys. So, I'll see you in the incoming weeks or something?" I stated, voice faltering slightly.

"Yeah, I'll call you. But your homework is to write as many application packages as you can. Or use a photocopying machine. Oh, wait... Douglas, isn't that your job?"

"Yes. Considering I'm Chief of Staff, recruiting is under my belt. I'll do as many as I can in the next week."

Alexander nodded and we would be talking about random things as we drink tea and eat scones. After several hours, Douglas and I would part ways with Alexander, going our separate ways home.

Tuesday, 5th May 1925

Alexander, Douglas and I would meet at 3 pm at Kensington Palace.

"The applications for Head & Deputy Head of British Branch, heads and deputies of departments are sent across the United Kingdom," Douglas informed both of us.

"That's good," I told them, "At least we're getting this out now."

"For the current financial situation, I've invested some of my Royal earnings from being the Duke of Cambridge into several companies. We're earning profit. Also, for the business situation, I believe we can start with the hotel business. I will not lead the charge for this unless I must step in. Either of you will have to take care of it," Alexander continued.

"I will," I told them, writing a note to myself to remind me. Alexander nodded.

"Also, I made sure that Regius Obligatus will accept both female and male applicants, Alexander," Douglas told him, which earned him stares from Alexander and me.

"Think about it. This great nation is known for its Queens, as well as their Kings. If we were to separate ourselves from MI5 and MI6, as well as to become the leader of the espionage game, we need to include female applicants. Don't you want that, Alexander?" Douglas told Alexander, after all, he is the Director-General.

"Yes, when you put it that way, it does make sense."

Douglas grinned.

"Oh, and one more thing, the application packages are sent to the top 2% of the best universities across the United Kingdom," Douglas continued.

"That's good. All we have to do now is wait," Alexander told us. We both nodded. Alexander somehow managed Douglas and me to go to the horse range, so both of us would get private riding lessons with him as well. I, of course, agreed.

During the lesson, I was thinking: 'Why on earth did I sign up for this?' as I somehow regretted my decision making, but overall, I did enjoy it. 

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