XLVI. Alexander

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Saturday, 16th April 1932

I would still be up today, eyes slightly twitching from the amount of caffeine I have ingested, which had kept me going for a week now. Everyone in the school - from professors to students - had been notified in terms of this special day. Everyone but Isabelle. Well... Colette cornered me the other day to talk about it.

It was dinner time, everything and everyone - including the orchestra - were in place. The conductor was at the podium in front of the orchestra, as I would be watching from the sidelines. The whole day today, I hid from Isabelle, just getting everything ready in the dining hall. Colette and Hugo helped me distract Isabelle from the fact that I wasn't there to hang out with her.

Everyone was in their places, as Isabelle made her way to the dining hall, with Colette and Hugo. I got someone to keep tabs on her, updating me when she'll be arriving. When I was about to get an update, the doors opened. The sounds of the door opening were loud.

'Thank God it is pitch black...' I thought as Isabelle wondered out loud why it is so dark in the dining hall, and I had to smirk. It's dark and all, so, who's the judge of that? Colette and Hugo just had to act dumb for a bit longer.

But it wasn't as dark as Isabelle had thought. I nodded at the conductor, and a few moments later, the orchestra was playing a tune that I composed, which consisted of the Danish National Anthem, the French National Anthem and the Royal Fanfare, among other things that I had managed to put together.

The lights slowly turned on, as the song morphed into a classical-inspired Happy Birthday, and the whole school started singing. I wondered why I didn't do anything spectacular last year. I mean, after all, why didn't I do anything? I kept wondering as I stood, leaning against the wall, and it wasn't long before that the song was finished. Everyone in the dining hall clapped, as the conductor got the whole orchestra to stand and bow at the audience. They sat as I walked to Isabelle, smiling tentatively as Colette and Hugo walked to the usual table, giving the both of us some private time alone.

Isabelle hugged me, smiling. I hugged her back.

"Thank you," She said quietly before we released one another from the hug. I looked at her.

"Well, if you do accept my apology, I've been avoiding you all day today," I quickly apologized, smiling. Isabelle just laughed.

"It's fine, Alexander. After I had seen why you were avoiding me all day, it's understandable," Isabelle told me, and I just grinned like a fool. We then walked to the table and started eating dinner, a menu that I have suggested to the kitchen.

"Alexander, did you put a word in with the Head chef in the kitchen to make French food?" Isabelle asked me, shocked. I just eat, not saying anything.

"Maybe. Maybe not," I replied, not denying it nor accepting the fact that I did. Isabelle and Colette just looked at one another, before they ate. Hugo just smirked. Per usual, there is the birthday cake, the song, and cutting the cake. Isabelle gets to decide who will get a slice of the cake.

Saturday, 28th May 1932

Dear Diary,

The quartet got another three weeks before summer. Time had flown quite quickly. In terms of Hugo and my birthday following Isabelle's... We both got a surprise party, both led by Isabelle and Colette. Overall, Isabelle, Hugo and I have a lot of presents, no doubt. Regarding Antony and Elizabeth's birthday, Isabelle, Hugo, Colette and I sent them personalized cards, among several other presents. Overall, it's been a good year so far, considering the year is almost over. The four of us are currently making plans for the summer, and we made sure that we would be in contact with one another.

However, Royal responsibilities just knocked on my door earlier today. I will be going overseas, this time to Denmark. Which means I am quite lucky because Isabelle will be going with me, visiting her Danish Royal family members. After knowing that I will have a Royal tour of Denmark alongside Isabelle, Hugo and Colette have decided that they would spend their summer together, in both France and Britain. I suspect that something is going on between them. Maybe they're dating? I mean... they had a date during Valentine's a couple months ago. Which means it's recent.

Anyway... I did not expect myself to write this much today. I need to get some sleep. It might almost be summer already, but summer isn't here yet.


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