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14th November 1935. It's a Thursday afternoon, and Alexander was discussing the distant future wedding that would take place after the war with his Grandfather in his private study. It had become an occurrence now that Alexander would spend most of his days free from his academic life with George, discussing different plans, where it ranges from the wedding's planning to the Inner War.

"Grandpapa, what do you think of the fleur de lis?" Alexander asked as he sketched a wedding dress out in his notepad.

"For flowers, I would think it would be nice to have a mix of flowers from the three nations, Alex," His grandfather replied, reading papers. There was silence, except for the pencil scratching on the paper and the turning of the page. There was a knock.

"Come in," George said, and Sir Clive Wigram walked in, bowing at both. He then looked at Alexander.

"Your Highness, the Duke of York has requested your presence at Kensington Palace," Sir Wigram informed Alexander, who nodded. Alexander stood up and handed the wedding dresses drawings to his Grandfather.

"Look through them, will you?" Alexander asked his grandfather, who nodded.

"I'll return it tonight, Alex," He replied. Alexander nodded, before bowed and left, saying "Your Majesty". Wigram looked at the King.

"Sir, Winston Churchill is here to see you," Wigram informed George, who nodded. Wigram nodded, and walked out, as Winston walked in, and bowed.

"Your Majesty," Winston greeted George.


Winston made himself comfortable on the chair opposite George, who was reading a newspaper.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"A lot of things, sir, but I will narrow it down. Alexander is my main concern."

George looked up to Winston, setting the newspaper and Alexander's notepad aside on the coffee table.


"As the Political Director of Regius Obligatus, it is one of the very few highest-ranking positions of Regius Obligatus. This means that I too have copies of all news relating to different situations worldwide, and especially here in Europe. Alexander knows this as well, alongside the senior leadership team."

"What is it?" George sounded intrigued.

"Hitler views Alexander, Duke of Cambridge, third in line to the throne of the United Kingdom, and Director-General of Regius Obligatus as a very dangerous threat to Nazi Germany. As most of the world knows Regius Obligatus is an intelligence organisation like MI5 and MI6, not many know that it has influences worldwide. Hitler knows this, and he saw Alexander as the beacon of all state secrets, among several files that could be deemed dangerous and a threat if used and distributed properly, especially against Nazi Germany, and its ability to bring the Third Reich down."

George looked at Winston, thinking, but his face was etched with worry.

"Hitler wants Alexander dead. If he is dead... Hitler hopes that Regius Obligatus will crumble afterwards," George stated.

"Of course, Alexander would readily take up the challenge, throwing the gauntlet down through his masterplan: the Inner War. He would lay down his life for this country if needs be, considering he sees it as his duty to serve and die for this nation above all else," Winston continued. George sat back, looking at Winston.

"I will talk to him later tonight; besides the fact I have to discuss some things with him about the wedding dresses," George told Winston, who looked at the King in peak curiosity.


"As political chaos reigns in recent years, as Alexander would put, it is safe to say that he wants to start the planning as soon as possible. Who knows when this war will end?"

Winston nodded. The rest of the day it would consist of Alexander being cornered by various people, mainly Winston and his Grandfather to discuss the Inner War, alongside the wedding, as well him acknowledging the dangers behind the Inner War.

Throughout the rest of November, and December, George and Alexander bonded as Grandfather and Grandson, King and Prince, and it was a bond that was even tighter than anyone had realised it would be. The bond that both had shared ever since Alexander was born told the rest of the family that George was the first person in Alexander's life to become one of the very few influencers in his life.

For Christmas, Alexander received his final Christmas presents from his Grandfather, little did he know that George was in the final stages of his life. It was a journal of George's, where it discusses the early life of Alexander, and what George thinks about his eldest grandchild and first grandson.

The rest of December would consist of Alexander spending his final days with George, before he would eventually leave Britain, to France on another Royal engagement tour. 

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