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Saturday, 16th July 1927

Dear Diary, 

It is roughly halfway through summer, and Douglas, Emily, Alexander and I had enjoyed our summer. Two weeks ago, we four had pretty much fooled around in Kensington Palace's library, where it continued the next day and it resulted in the four of us, sleeping until noon, where Alexander's father found us. Each of us was on a separate couch or sofa. According to him, it was a quite hilarious sight to see. Of course, he woke us up, bombarding us with questions. He rolled his eyes when Alexander mentions the continuation of school. It was quite hilarious. Antony and Elizabeth came in with a nanny and lord, Alexander has such a cute little sister. I mean... Seriously, I'm an only child, and Elizabeth and I just bonded, as if we're siblings by blood. 

Anyhow, besides this, the European bases are 60% done, and the Italian and Russian bases are approximately 10% finished, exciting Alexander and in his own words (I only know this because we were talking about the expansion and it somehow led to this): "Regius Obligatus is a more... the sophisticated organization, if I must say, when compared to other British espionage organizations, with more organizational structure, and a stricter application structure because of the high standards Regius Obligatus has for its agents."

Cheers to that, Alexander, you bloody patriot. Anyway, the expansion to the Americas is similar to what we had done with Europe's expansion. There is extra work to be done, which includes the application process for the Head and Deputy Head of the Americas, Head and Deputy Heads of the individual branches, and the Head and Deputies of the individual departments, which is a total of... 96 members, because Alexander had divided the United States into three different regions, with Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Washington D.C. as the 'mini'-head departments within the United States, totalling 36 members, which equals to 37.5% of the total members overall. Smart to say, when I received my copy of the draft expansion plan, it was awe-dropping just to read through it. 

That seems to be enough for today, as Alexander just called the senior leadership team together, along with the Head and Deputy of Europe - Owen and Maddox - to have a late-night game of bowling, cards, and pool (Alexander and I just sit back and watch the game unfold), as Owen and Maddox joined the senior leadership team to revise the expansion plan.


Sunday, 31st July 1927

Dear Diary,

Alexander has been looking better in the past few days. I wonder why, but I do suspect it has to do something with Isabelle. But who knows? It's Alexander, and I've known him for two years. He's a complicated person, and it would have to take a certain period of time for someone to be able to know him. To be honest here, Diary, Douglas gave up reading Alexander's character, but he knows the body language, and Emily too. The moment Alexander's annoyed, boom, they stop talking and would just work together quietly. I would do the same, but since I know Alexander's character, considering him and I are buddies and roommates, I just observe him like a hawk, trying to study his character and all. So, I know aside to Alexander that is buried under the amount of complicated and intertwined layers of traits and emotions. One emotion he might be portraying physically, his mental state might be something else. Anyway, I wonder what the hell is going on with Alexander and the fact that he might be putting up a front to portray his 'happy self'.

I'm going off-topic here, but over the past month, we were busy as heck, yet that didn't stop us from continuing our training, from the RAF to the Royal Navy and riding in general, earning some exasperated looks from Douglas and Emily, who started to question our mental state when it comes to the duty to serve and the use of free time. 

Lord, why do I sound like Alexander on this matter? Duty to serve, and the sacred duty to sacrifice one's self to protect this nation. UGH. It's like I'm Alexander 2.0. Living with that patriotic lad (lord, I'm becoming an Englishman, thanks to Alexander) just rubs off the patriotism, sass, and sarcasm on you. He might not look like it, but man did he know more than enough of the English language to suddenly destroy your backside. Which reminds me... It may be because of Alexander's lessons with Winston, and he's receiving the extra lessons in the English language. 

Just checked the time, and blimey, it's 10 pm but I'm hearing these Violin recitals from Alexander's room. I would've yelled 'Bloody hell, why don't you just get some sleep, you mad lad.' but considering I'm in Kensington Palace, it is quite a terrible idea. No doubt he'll be awake tomorrow... Now, why didn't that surprise me? 


Monday, 1st August 1927

Dear Diary, 

Guess who had decided to pull an all-nighter. The look on his face when I told him that I was about to say what I wrote last night was something to remember. Today was an interesting day. We went on a picnic. Not just any picnic... it was a Royal Picnic. Alexander and I rock that little fishing contest between the senior and junior leadership team. 

Anyway, it was a day for us to relax and run away from our problems for the day. It was very relaxing, not having to worry about anything at all. Alexander and I get to hang out in the shade, resting up beside a tree as the both of us watched his family mingle around, while Guinevere and Arthur would run around the area, enjoying the freedom.

This is just all for today, Diary. Toodles. 


Friday, 26th August 1927

Dear Diary, 

It's been a week since being a final year student of Cambridge, and it has a totally weird vibe. Alexander and I have thought of doing our masters at Oxford, as both Emily and Douglas have decided to go with us as well. So, after this week, the level of work needed to be done has increased as the senior leadership team needs to manage our school workload and Regius Obligatus. It's not quite perfect like at Cambridge, because masters are a different game, yet we're still working on it. 

Better head off to sleep now. Long day tomorrow.


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