XC. Winston

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Wednesday, 4th November 1937

I was in my office at Regius Obligatus, when Alexander burst in, panting. I glance up momentarily before looking down at my papers. He closed the door behind him as he dropped his military bag on the floor. Alexander made his way to the chair opposite me and sat.

"How was it?" I asked, curious about his military experience.

"Nothing I can't handle, Winston. But I'm bloody tired. Haven't slept for a number of days, and among a number of other factors," Alexander replied, nodding off to sleep, yawning.

"Do you need coffee or what? You're nodding off and you really don't want that," I told him, knowing the boy pretty well. Alexander jerked awake and nodded.

"Yes, coffee sounds excellent," Alexander replied, jerking awake after nodding off again. At that exact moment, an agent walked in. Alexander turned to see the agent. She curtsied.

"Can you make a cup of coffee, please?" Alexander asked politely.

"Yes, your Highness," The agent replied as she walked to put several letters and papers on my desk before walking out of the office, closing the door behind her as she went. I would continue to read the papers. Alexander stood and went to the bathroom, just to wash his face, meanwhile word spread throughout the headquarters that he's back, for how long, that is on everyone's minds. Alexander returned and sat down.

"What are you doing back here?" I asked, curious.

"Well, the base that I was at, was under enemy fire. Being the Prince of Wales and heir apparent to the throne, I was immediately brought back here. I mean, I got grazes and whatnot, but nothing that huge of a deal and nothing huge to actually cause any alarm," Alexander replied offhandedly, "Yet, they made it such a huge deal and a huge fuss out of it."

"Hm... Does it look like you're on a break? For how long?" I asked, finally setting down the paper, as the agent walked in, bowed and set the tray down at the coffee table. Alexander looked at the agent.

"Thank you, you can leave it there," Alexander told the agent, who nodded and bowed again before leaving. Alexander stood and made his way to the coffee table, and did his own stuff before I got a reply as there was silence in the office, save for the occasional ruffling of papers, and all.

"I'm staying this time. Not going anywhere until Hitler starts the war," Alexander replied in a serious manner.

"I have a meeting with your father in an hour. So if you want to-" I started but Alexander has already left, to do God knows what, along with the tray and his military bag. I'd sigh.

It was forty-five minutes later that I saw him: changed and freshened up. He turned to look at me after talking to an agent.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. Soon both of us made our way to Buckingham Palace. We got out of the car and went inside. The King's Private Secretary - Major Sir Alexander Hardinge - walked up to the both of us and bowed to Alexander.

"Your Highness," He greeted and did the military salute. Alexander returned it.

"Major Hardinge," Alexander replied, "Do you know where Papa is?"

"Yes, sir," Major Hardinge replied, "The King is in his study."

Alexander looked at me and nodded.

"Thank you, Major," Alexander said.

"Do I need to tell him that you and Mr Churchill are heading to see him, sir?" Major Hardinge asked, as he and I followed Alexander, who had started making his way to the King's office.

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