LXIV. Winston

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After the King and I surprised Alexander, Hugo, Colette and Isabelle at their graduation, and we all returned to London that night. Alexander had told me that we will be meeting the next day, as he just wanted some rest. The next day, the meeting was just a discussion between both of us about Regius Obligatus, alongside the political turmoil that is brewing in Europe, as I am the only person besides Hugo, and a small number of other people that allows Alexander to express his political views.

After June has transitioned into July, and the heat has ever just increased slightly, Alexander and I would have weekly meetings, discussing the Inner War, as he would call it, where he told me that it was a plan that it consists of many different factors, from the social, economic and political factors, down to the very tiny details of the very plan that Alexander will be executing in the future when war arrives.

July transitioned into August, and the following points are the main points ("that needs to be further discussed and refined as more intel from Nazi Germany arrives here in Headquarters," according to Alexander) that came out of the weekly meetings from July and the first half:

Alexander's fake death (a point where it is a heated debate, considering there are clashes between him and a few people) Political infiltration (both Regius Obligatus and Absconditus Custos; they will have similar yet different goals)Military might The social situation in Britain

More will be discussed later, as Alexander and I have decided that we need to include the King with more discussions, yet to balance it with Alexander's Royal Engagements. The four points mentioned will serve the basis of future planning and details will be more refined as more intel will become available. 

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