XXXI. Hugo

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Saturday, 18th May 1929

Dear Diary,

There were a lot of things that happened on Alexander's birthday. Of course, there's my birthday a week later, but it seems like we've hit a snag... Well, it doesn't affect us politically yet, but earlier today, he expressed his concerns about communism and fascism. He wants to keep his concerns within the senior team only, not wanting the whole of Regius Obligatus to go into mutiny or whatever because they doubt Alexander or anything. But, through his actions and inspiration, I doubt anyone in Regius Obligatus would go into mutiny.

So, what resulted in his concerns, was this grand plan with its main goal of defeating fascism and communism, since Regius Obligatus and its influences are where it was needed, and the influences were there at the right time, infiltrating governments across the world, thus having access to the world's greatest databook, gained from the highest positions of power. With this in mind - considering we have already started the process of collecting information since Regius Obligatus had first begun in 1925 - the four of us decided to collect information of all sorts, from the most boring things like the daily reports of meetings to the more interesting information, which to me, nothing's ringing in my mind at the moment because I have no idea since whatever that's interesting is in Alexander's head, as he kept it to himself. This grand plan is still in its early planning stages, according to Alexander, wanting us not to worry that much about it.

Anyhow, I believe this would be a short entry - but looking back, I doubt it isn't as short as my other entries - considering I must attend church tomorrow morning.


P.S. The Italian and Soviet Russian bases are now approximately 60% finished and the Americas bases are approximately 15% finished, construction-wise. Over and out from the Deputy.

Friday, 31st May June 1929

Dear Diary,

It won't be long until summer, and Alexander and I have already made some plans. Well more like him dragging me along. The King had conversations with Alexander over telegrams and phone calls about a Royal tour of France over the summer, and with a friend. I was the chosen person to go alongside Alexander. Douglas, too, must go because he's the bloody Private Secretary. Emily had to stay because the four of us had decided that it would be safe for Regius Obligatus's future senior leadership team.

According to Alexander, who seems to have the schedule, Douglas too, that we'd leave for France a week after going back to London, which means his clothes are being packed for a month Royal tour in France. Well, Alexander seems to leave out the details of the whole tour, so he'll keep me guessing. Sneaky bastard. Seriously, he'll keep me on edge, and I'll keep guessing. Guess who will not receive a Christmas present this year from me as an act of revenge.


P.S. Diary, you're the only witness to me being an evil bastard because why not? It's not like Alexander has several tricks up his sleeves when it comes to me.

Friday, 7th June 1929

We would be at Heathrow Airport, domestic terminal, as we wait for the royal escorts, but more like Regius Obligatus escorts.

'Man... Regius Obligatus is indeed our lapdog...' I thought, referring to the senior leadership team's transportation as we got into two of the cars: Alexander and I in one car as Douglas and Emily in the other, just for the sake of safety.

"Don't think I'll schedule a riding lesson today, or any physical activity today. I'm tired," Alexander muttered as he yawned, falling off to sleep. I'd roll my eyes, thinking that he finally got some sleep now that summer has started. Well... that depends on the academic papers, Regius Obligatus,, I guess.

After we arrived at Kensington Palace, we'd just hang out in the library, mucking about, not doing anything because we are all somehow tired from the trip. It's just... a rare sight that we are all tired at the same time. We were just... slumped on our respective couches, sleeping, until we were called for dinner. After dinner, the four of us got to our respective rooms, and I don't know about the other three, wait no, only Douglas and Emily, but I've fallen asleep after changing and whatnot. Alexander probably had a power nap, and now he has energy just to do whatever he does. Before I fell asleep, I heard a violin concerto, thinking 'You better shut the hell up, Alexander or I'll violently end your music career.' among several other threats that I can conjure up in my mind. So technically, the usual things we all would do on a summer night.

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