XCI. Hugo

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Nothing happened throughout January, according to the events that relate to me. Except for the fact that Regius Obligatus has increased recruitment and the fact that Alexander is working his arse off for the engagement ring. To him, it's "What's the deal? It's just a ring," and to everyone else "Alexander, you're in love and you're blind to it and is in denial about it when you're confronted about it."

But yes, nothing has really happened until Valentine's Day. It has been almost thirteen years since Alexander and Isabelle have met, and this is the twelfth one that they've shared, considering they both met on May 8th, 1925. Eleven, if you discard the Valentine's Day of 1936. Or was it the tenth?

But anyway, Alexander is now in France. He has been gone since the thirteenth. So, I'm just stuck here, with Douglas, Emily and the dogs. However, Douglas and Emily are a couple. In conclusion, I'm alone. Again. Guess I'll be a bachelor 'til the end of days, but who knows? Maybe I'll stumble across love one day.

Yet, staying single though does have its perks. More free time and no constraints or restraints whatsoever. Hey, I get to hang out with the dogs and the Royal Family every day, and I get to know more about Antony, Elizabeth and Margaret. Especially Elizabeth, considering her and Alexander are quite the same. Don't worry, we're both friends and we're making fun of Alexander for a number of things.

It wasn't until the next day that I got to see my best friend back in London. He would be in his room, contemplating life, as he stared out of the window with a glass of Scotch in his hand when I entered his room. Alexander was leaning against the frame of the window panel. I noticed that the jewellery box containing the finished engagement ring is on the coffee table. I frowned.

I cleared my throat and Alexander didn't even notice me. Usually, that means something's wrong. Well, oh boy. He messed it up. I closed the door behind me and locked it. Knowing that no one would want to enter since Alexander and I would be talking issues that best friends would only discuss with one another.

"It didn't go as planned, Hugo," He stated worriedly as I sat at the chair opposite him.

I just sat there, waiting for him to let it all out.

"I had the box in my pocket. But I didn't ask. Instead, I did something like I would every year... Plan something huge and whatnot," Alexander continued - this time, his face etched with worry as he whispered - and he looked at me, "What if she never loves me or something?"

Right. So, now he's doubting himself. Great. But, wait... is he... finally, accepting the fact that he's in love with her? My brain just stopped working for a moment.

"Hang on... Are you saying that you, Alexander Christian Richard Victor Windsor, the Prince of Wales, and the former Duke of Cambridge has finally accepted the fact that you're in love with Isabelle Catherine Bonaparte Bourbon Glucksburg?" I asked in disbelief. Alexander stared at me.

Then he scoffed. Man, this piece of shit right here, is a confusing and annoying bastard. I mean seriously! Can't he see that he's madly in love with Isabelle?

"I'm not. What makes you think that I am?" Alexander asked, smiling. I was speechless.

"I mean... You're doing all those Valentine's stuff every single year since you both first met. You even drop school for the sake of doing it for her! Even on her birthday, you're there, celebrating it with her. Then there's the occasional 'Oh, I might as well go to Paris to celebrate Christmas with my not girlfriend, Isabelle!'" I replied, offhandedly, and mimicking Alexander's voice. Alexander stared at me.

"Seriously? I really never noticed it before... Guess I have squash what I truly felt for her, haven't I?" Alexander said, with some realization, I hope. He then turned to me, with a serious expression.

"Not a word to anyone else. Do you understand?" Alexander stated with dead seriousness.

"Over my dead body I will say a damn word about this," I replied, with absolute seriousness, smirking, knowing that I get to tease him about it.

"Oh, don't even think about it, Hugo," He told me, dismissing me, "Just leave me already, Frenchie."

I laughed.

"Alright, sir," I said and stood before bowing at him, mocking him slightly.

"Your Royal Highness," I teased. Before a pillow was thrown at me.

"Alright, I'm leaving!" I exclaimed, heading to the door, unlocking it and left.

After I left, I just smirked as I made my way home. When I got home, Maman asked me why I was smiling. I told her it was a secret. She just looked at me, brushing it off. The rest of the day, it would consist of me helping with Papa, besides the fact that I still have a stack of papers to look through, after putting it off for two hours.

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