XLII. Isabelle

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Wednesday, 15th July 1931

"Isabelle! Wait up!" Alexander yelled out, getting my attention. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to him.

"What is it, Alexander?" I asked him, curious.

"Well, since there's about a month left to summer before we have to go back to Cambridge, I was thinking of going to Balmoral Castle in Aberdeen, Scotland," Alexander told me, "And I would like you to come along. I mean... you've never visited Wales or Scotland before."

I stared at him, before brightening up.

"Of course, Alexander! I'm glad that you ask!" I exclaimed, smiling. Alexander brightened immediately.

"Right, we'll be leaving this Friday, considering this trip to Balmoral Castle was a last-minute plan! I better go and tell Grandpapa..." Alexander said hurriedly before he ran off. I just watched him run off, looking amused before I turned and walked, before bumping into someone. I fell back, but someone grabbed my arm and helped me steady myself. I apologised for not seeing where I'm going as I straighten my clothes. I look at the person I bumped into, with a flustered face. It was Hugo, with an amused face.

"Just... Be careful," Hugo advised me, smirking, before leaving me - still having that flustered face, and red-tinged ears. I sighed, before walking to the library.

Friday, 17th July 1931

Alexander, Hugo and I had arrived at Balmoral Castle in the early afternoon, where after settling in, Alexander took Hugo and me on a tour around the Castle, including the town that was nearby. This took us most of the afternoon before we finally headed back to the Castle. We entered the Castle before Hugo decided to leave Alexander and me in peace.

"Thank you for taking me, Alexander. But I thought it was just you and Hugo on a boys' trip?" I told Alexander, who just stared at me, with a shocked yet curious expression.

"Oh? It's not entirely a boys' trip if I had invited Colette, now did I?" Alexander told me, and it is my turn to stare at him.

"Isabelle?" I heard Colette's voice behind me, so I turned. She ran into me, hugging me. I smiled as I hugged her back. We both release our hug and look at Alexander.

"Thank you," Colette and I thanked him. Alexander rolled his eyes and brushed it off, ears tinged red slightly. Colette and I noticed it. Colette just smirked as Alexander cleared his throat.

"Anyway. Dinner wouldn't be served for another hour, or so. I'll have someone call you both to the dining hall when it is ready. Now, if you'll excuse me, there are things here in Aberdeen that I must do as Duke of Cambridge," Alexander told us, before bowing with a genuine yet cute smile and left Colette and me there in the main lobby of Balmoral Castle.

It wasn't long before I took Colette on a tour of Balmoral Castle, as we talked about how cute Alexander is when he looks flustered and when his ears turned red. Colette started to tease me about my close relationship with Alexander, knowing that I've fallen hard for Alexander.

It was time for dinner, where Hugo and Alexander got to know about Colette, and vice versa. We were then surprised to learn that Colette will be attending the University of Cambridge for her PhDs, meaning that there will be two apartments now. Colette and I in one and Hugo and Alexander in their current apartment.

After dinner, we all headed to the library, as the four of us decided to create a schedule of breakfast, study group time, individual study time among other things before heading off to sleep.

Friday, 28th August 1931

Dear Diary,

Two weeks have gone by and the four of us are just repeating the schedule we created last month, and continue working the way that it is. Nothing much has changed between the four of us worked together like a well-oiled machine, more like a well-oiled car. Besides... I think Alexander is getting more aggressive in terms of defending his relationship with me. I mean, why does everyone think that Alexander and I should be on courting terms now that we've known each other for over six years? I mean... He's cute, handsome, and cares for me on the levels that he doesn't care about other girls. Sure, he respects others but elevates me to a higher level. It's something about him that attracts me to him... I need to stop thinking about him. Alexander's my friend. A very close friend who understands the Royal duties, unlike Colette and Hugo. He understands the need to be someone else in public, and to be yourself in private... Considering we're both third in line to our respective thrones.

Anyway, the others are calling. Considering its Friday, I wonder what they are calling me for, and it is quite late too.


Wednesday, 30th September 1931

Dear Diary,

Since Alexander is the bubbling hub for politics, I get to go to him for political news at home, both in France and Denmark, as well as international politics. Although indeed, the monarchs of our respective countries must not participate in politics, nor is it required for us to understand politics, Alexander and I thought it would be a good idea that we stay well in tune with the political world ever since we first met. Over the six years that Alexander and I knew each other, we bonded with one another quite nicely, understanding each other more than our group of friends. Which, in my point of view, is saying something.

Anyway, it's a weekday, and I must continue the sleep schedule that I set out last year.


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