LXXXV. Elizabeth

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Friday, 15th January 1937

It has been over a month now since Papa has become King, as the lives of me and my siblings has drastically changed. Our home is now Buckingham Palace, and there was a slight change in protocol. I made my way to Alexander's room, to find that he wasn't there. I then head off to the library, knowing that there's certainty that he is there. I entered to see Alexander fidgeting with a tennis ball in his hand as he reads. He paid no attention to me when I entered.

I grabbed a book from a nearby shelf and sat at the table not far from where Alexander was. He stopped fidgeting and turned to me, realizing that I was in here besides him as he seems to be used to the silence. The loneliness.

"How long were you here for?" He asked me, in a slightly defensive tone.

"Not long," I replied. Alexander nodded and returned to reading. I would start reading the book. Alexander started to throw the tennis ball in a straight line and caught it.

"Are you alright, brother?" I asked as I read, knowing that something is wrong and the fact that I can feel the tension in the air.

"I don't know. I have mixed feelings about everything right now," He replied.

"It's been a month, and you haven't been able to sort out anything. Need some help?" I asked, with the slight worry and curiosity hanging off the end.

"Sure," Alexander blankly replied as I looked at him expectedly. Silence quickly followed before I heard something from Alexander. It seems like he is collecting his thoughts.

"Uncle abdicated because he values love over duty. In my opinion, he is a coward. Besides what is going on here at home, I fear the actions on continental Europe might lead us to another war," Alexander said, and I just looked confused. Alexander caught the tennis ball as he looked at me, seeing the confused look I had. He sat up.

"Something you don't understand?"

I nodded.

"Is it because of the abdication or...?"

"Well, both, I suppose," I replied.


There was complete silence as my brother collected his thoughts.

 "For me, I always view those who were born into the Royal Family must serve Britain through being members of the Royal Family. You don't just... run from your responsibilities if you are a Windsor," Alexander started, "You can't just do anything beyond the standards that had been set by our ancestors. That's why there are rules in place and bloody hell, there's even the constitution. Rules that had been in place must be enforced. You can't just ditch these rules, nor ignore it."

I just nodded.

"But... how did you create Regius Obligatus?" I asked, curious.

"Alas... That was eleven years ago and I was third in line. I asked Grandpapa for permission. I had no aspects of becoming the heir apparent. How the tables have turned and I am now the heir apparent," He replied, looking away, clenching his fist that has the tennis ball. I sensed spite and anger in the last sentence. I nodded again, and we both do our own things.

Friday, 14th February 1937

Everyone started their day off as normal, and I haven't seen Alexander at all in the dining hall.

"Papa, where's Alexander?" I asked, curious.

"He left for Paris last night and to make amends with Isabelle," Hugo replied as he sat next to me. I didn't even notice that he had entered the dining hall. I looked at him.

"It took him that long to have the courage?" I asked Hugo, slightly surprised.

"Yes, apparently he didn't want to see Isabelle last Christmas to clear up any confusion between him and Isabelle about his courtship with Charlotte. Also, he was dealing with the fact that he is now the heir apparent. It's safe to say, Alexander has been through rough patches in the last few months," Hugo replied, and I nodded. We would both eat our breakfast. Hugo would take the day off today, and as a result, he hung out with me for the rest of the day, considering we really don't have that much to do. Hugo and I would be speaking in French for the sake of me practising the language, among a number of things. 

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