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Friday, 6th May 1927

After Alexander and Elizabeth's birthday, life 'seemingly' went back to normal for the quartet. They went to classes, did their assignments, and did their respective work at Regius Obligatus. Meanwhile, Antony - a boy of four - had impacted everyone in the Royal Household, as there was some discussion as to whether or not the boy was a prodigy, which – to some extent - would his future education.

While this was happening, Isabelle and Colette - her best friend, who was a prodigy as well, like how Hugo and Alexander are a duo - are currently in their apartment, in Isabelle's room, doing some girl talk.

"He's handsome, Isabelle. This drawing is made by him?" Colette asked, and Isabelle nodded. Colette then giggled. Isabelle just stared at her, slightly confused.

"What?" Isabelle asked Colette, with slight confusion and intrigue.

"You two are in love. It's almost two years, and you both don't even know it!" Colette giggled as Isabelle fumed.

"We're not in love! We're just friends!" Isabelle quickly defended her friendship with Alexander, as her ears flushed red, "I bet he doesn't even care about me. He has eyes on other girls!"

Colette's facial expression changed to 'Oh? Really?', reflecting her amusement.

'I doubt that...' Colette thought as Isabelle would be staring at Alexander's portrait, dreamily.

Alexander would be laying on his bed, as Hugo somehow managed to lay on the bed as well. Both boys rested their heads on their hands, staring at the ceiling, talking about history, rather than debating about it.

They changed the history topic and started to debate about the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. Hugo and Alexander debated whether or not France's military power had diminished ever since. The subject was once more changed to his relationship with Isabelle.

Alexander glared at Hugo, before returning to look at the ceiling, closing his eyes.

"We're friends. Nothing else. I bet she has a ton of other friends to hang out with, besides myself. As well as a lot of Valentine's day gifts, so don't be daft, Hugo," Alexander stated as if it was final.

Hugo looked at Alexander.

"I have never heard you use English slang."

Alexander scoffed.

"I used it all the time, wanker. I have to put up with the Royal character, too," Alexander retorted, then in a low voice, muttering: "what a knob."

"A WHAT?!?!" Hugo yelled, before jumping up and throwing Alexander a pillow, starting a pillow fight the moment Douglas came in, allowing him to see a scene of chaos. He looked confused.

"What's happening?"

"Pillow fight, Doug," Emily told him.

"I know what they're doing, and they're so mature and professional 100% of the time, and to see them... acting normal is obnoxious and unnatural," Douglas said before Emily would be tugging him out of the room.

"Leave them be, for their sake, and let them be children for once," Emily told Douglas, who nodded and quietly closed the door.

"Ever wonder what the hell happened?" Douglas asked.

"Nope, and I don't want to know," Emily replied, and both of them decided that they'll just work on their assignments for the rest of the day. Yet, they were both interrupted by an agent, who brought them a telegram from Buckingham Palace, notifying them that Princess Royal, Princess Mary, would be arriving tomorrow, May 7th, 1927 (a Saturday), and would stay at Alexander and Hugo's apartment for some time.

"I'll tell them," Douglas said, and told the agent to go, relieving him of his duty for the night as the messenger. Douglas made his way to Alexander's room and barged in. The two were still having that pillow fight of theirs.

"Guys, stop," Douglas yelled to get their attention. Both turned to him. Douglas handed Alexander the Buckingham Palace telegram.

"YES! She's coming!" Alexander yelled out and got off the bed and ran out of the room. Guinevere and Arthur just stared at him, as Alexander started cleaning the house. But the house was already cleaned, and he's just making the apartment extra clean. Throughout the night, Hugo fell asleep on Alexander's bed, reading a random book from Alexander's book collection, as he was bored, and not bothered doing anything.

Saturday, 7th May 1927

It was just past noon when Princess Mary came to visit Alexander. The two went to the park, as they would be walking both Guinevere and Arthur.

"So, I heard that you've been very close to Isabelle, is that true?"

"Yes, Aunt Mary. So, how's Uncle George and Uncle Henry?"

She laughed.

"They're both alright. You should write to them more often. Your father and your grandfather are telling them how you're just forgetting the two of them. I'm here just because I want to see you in person."

Alexander momentarily looked horrified.

"I have a lot of things on my mind... But I always see them at Christmas," Alexander replied sheepishly.

"But not last Christmas."

"I was in Paris, celebrating it with Isabelle..." Alexander muttered as his ears tinged slightly red.

Mary looked at him, with a slight rise in the eyebrow, suddenly curious.

"Oh? Indeed..."

Alexander would just look ahead, not minding what his aunt just said.

Meanwhile, Hugo, Douglas, and Emily would be discussing the European branches, considering the bases there are approximately 60% done. They also discuss Alexander's expansion plans, discussing whether or not it's smart to invest in large automobile companies or a variety.

It wasn't long before Alexander and his aunt came back to the apartment, and Mary invited them to dinner later that night at a French restaurant. They would all have a conversation as Alexander did his work, chiming in once in a while when he paid attention to the conversation's topic. Mary gets to know the senior leadership team as she gets to learn of how the senior leadership team met one another, and they somehow manage to not mention Regius Obligatus. Once in awhile, they'd glance at Alexander, just to see that he's concentrating on whatever he's doing: planning the budget and the financial situation in the new branches.

By the time June was over, and summer was just beginning, Alexander hung out with his uncles and aunt, going fishing, among other things alongside Hugo, Douglas, and Emily. Everyone - including Isabelle via letters - reminding Alexander to sleep at a reasonable time.

'What's the point in reminding me when I'm just going to stay in my room and sleep at like midnight?' Alexander thought as he climbed into the bed before falling asleep, being exhausted, sleeping two hours earlier than midnight. 

A Royal Beginning [Book 1 of The English Lion]Where stories live. Discover now