LVIII. Isabelle

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Throughout July, Colette and I get to enjoy the Parisian sun again. I feel wonderful and it is great to be home. There are no changes - that I notice - since I last visited Paris. I would be in the library, with my violin ready on the table, as I tried to find a particular music book. Mother would walk in, as I was trying to find it.

"Isabelle, what are you looking for?" Mother asked and I turned around immediately.

"Mozart's Violin Concertos book, Mother. Have you seen it anywhere?" I replied as I got off the ladder. Mother smiled.

"Well, Alexander borrowed it just a couple of days ago. He promised to return it in a few days. Alexander just needs to practice a couple of concertos," Mother replied as I looked confused.

"Why would he borrow a book from us?" I asked, confused.

"According to Alexander, he had searched everywhere for a particular concerto from Mozart, and coincidentally, when I heard that he was searching for it, I sent it to him," Mother replied. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Alright. Looks like I have to settle with Vivaldi then," I replied before going back to find the music book on Vivaldi. Mother smiled before she left. The rest of the afternoon would consist of me playing Vivaldi on my violin, especially the Four Seasons.

Before I knew it, summer is almost at an end, with a week left of summer. With one week left, Colette and I decided that we would head back to Cambridge to surprise Alexander and Hugo on Friday. Well, more like Alexander. Colette and I decided that we didn't tell the two that we would be going to Cambridge on Friday.

The day has now arrived, and Colette and I had arrived in Cambridge in the early afternoon, knowing that Hugo and Alexander had been at their Cambridge apartment ever since the start of the week. So, for the rest of the afternoon, the two of us would be getting things to surprise the two, which included presents that both of us had bought when we were in France.

Later that night, we would head to the boys' apartment, with our gifts. We set the gifts down in front of the door and knocked on the door. We would hear the dogs' barks as well as the boys' voices. Colette and I would be quite far away, hiding from the other two.

We both heard Alexander and Hugo's voices talking to one another.

"I think I know who this is from," Alexander said, after a couple of minutes, "Which means they're here. Damn."

Hugo laughed.

"Wonder where they are..." Hugo said as Colette and I looked at one another, silently laughing. Little did we know that Archer, Benedict and Mary would be making their ways to us. I felt something brushing up my leg, and I looked down to see Benedict.

'Oh well... I guess they found us,' I thought. Soon after, Colette and I would hang out with Alexander and Hugo, just relaxing for the rest of the day as we would share the stories of our summer. We then talk about everything that is part of our futures after our final year. Colette and Hugo would talk about doing their respective duties, while Alexander and I would talk about our Royal duties, as we are both further down the lines of succession to our respective thrones and what the future has in store for us.

To think that we are further down the lines of successions will have no impact on our future, nor will it change, is a great assumption coming from both of us. 

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