XXV. Alexander

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Tuesday, 14th February 1928

I arrived in Paris last night and had somehow managed to sneak into the Palace of Versailles. The King and Prince Christian helped me get into my room, alongside Andre and Edgar. Once I was in my room, Andre and Edgar informed me of how the Parisian base has completed construction, alongside the social and financial situation.

"That's good," I commented, as I took my jacket off and put it on the chair, "Now, the political situation... We must start infiltrating the French government for the sake of the French Royal Family. We must protect them at all costs, among other factors, you understand?"

Andre and Edgar glanced at one another, then looked at me, as if I had grown a second head.

"Yes, sir," They both replied slowly and nodded.

"Start infiltrating in two days, after Valentine's, Andre. We better start getting information, in the case of spies and traitors," I told them, who nodded.

I would still be awake, and I glanced at the grandfather clock, realizing that it's only 7 AM on Valentine's day.

"Bloody hell..." I muttered as I yawned, before going to the bathroom to change and try to wake myself up, including splashing water on my face, which was effective, to some extent. I walked out and head to the coffee table, to get the clue cards. I walked out and looked around as if observing everyone and everything.

A beat passed before I began the process of creating a maze by using the clue cards, placing them in strategic places. It took me close to an hour to finish before I arrived at the ballroom. I'd enter and saw several Regius Obligatus, looking exhausted as they almost finished with the decorations.

"All right you lot, go home, sleep, and have the rest of the day off," I told them in French before they stopped and bowed before leaving. They would be talking to one another in a low voice, and I receive some glances from some of them. The moment the door was closed, I looked around.

"Blimey, they did a pretty good job," I muttered before I went to make the final finishing touches. There was a knock and I turned to look, in the middle of something before sighing in relief as it was just the King. I stood up and bowed.

"Your Majesty," I greeted him as he closed the door behind him. Antoine just looked around the ballroom, before finally paying attention to me.

"You look exhausted, Alexander," He commented, and I cracked a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I am. But don't tell me to get some sleep. I'll sleep on the way back to Cambridge later, sir," I replied, covering all the bases. Antoine nodded.

"You did all of this?"

"Well more like planning it, and some members of Regius Obligatus worked on it all night. I just told them to go home, and take the rest of the day off."

The door opened and we both turned to who opened it.

"Isabelle," Antoine said.

"Grandfather," She said as she got into the ballroom. Antoine turned to me, with an amused expression.

"That's my time to leave. Good luck, Alexander," Antoine told me and I nodded.

"Your Majesty," I'd say, bowing again before Antoine left and closed the door behind him. I turned to Isabelle, who was looking around the room, with amazement.

"This is amazing! Alexander, thank you! You know, you really don't have to do this, right?" Isabelle squealed as she ran over and gave me a hug. I dropped whatever it was in my hands as she hugs me, throwing me off balance for a moment, meanwhile, I look like I've seen a ghost, pale before I hugged her back.

"Yeah, yeah I know," I replied as we ended the hug. Isabelle looked at me, noticing the bags under my eyes.

"You're tired. You must get some sleep," She said. I scoffed.

"What?" Isabelle asked, in confusion. I waved at her before picking up what I had dropped earlier and put it away.

"I have a ton of things under my belt so being exhausted and looking the part is quite a normal occurrence," I replied as she looked concernedly at me. Once I finished, I looked at her and noticed the concerned expression etched on her face.

"What?" I asked, with slight worry.

"You're overworking yourself. Don't," She told me, with puppy eyes.

I'd sigh.

'Damn this girl is convincing.' I thought, 'Extremely convincing.'

"Alright. But only this once. For you. Alright?" I told her, giving in. Isabelle brightened up immediately and she walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. My ears went slightly red.

Throughout the day, we'd hang out, in the ballroom and elsewhere in the Palace of Versailles. When I look at my watch later that afternoon, I told her that I have to leave, but I made this promise that I'll write letters every day like I do every day.

After an hour, I was on the plane, and I immediately fell asleep.

Friday, 16th March 1928

Dear Diary,

There's only a couple of months left before graduation and receive the incredible number of bachelors that I did. Regius Obligatus is expanding in the Americas, and the bases in continental Europe is close to completion in terms of construction. Took them forever but I did predict that they'll finish it by the end of the month. That's what Hugo and I hoped. Recruitment in the Americas is in the early stages, as the bases' constructions are too, in the early stages. The financial situation there is very interesting because there's a lot of businesses and whatnot, but that's a conversation for another time, as we have a general idea of what's going on already.

Cheerio, Diary, I'll be heading off to sleep now. Just checked the time, and I realised I'm getting to bed early. I'm not sure what made me do it, but it's probably because of Isabelle.


Monday, 16th April 1928

Dear Diary,

Earlier today, I got to surprise Isabelle on her birthday, with some small personal gifts among several gifts from several members of Regius Obligatus that she knows. I also get to meet Colette, her friend. She's very interesting, but I got bombarded with a ton of questions from her. I mean, who bombards me with a ton of questions about Isabelle? Anyway, it's another good day to get away from school for a day, considering it was just a Monday. Why must it be a Monday today, oh lord, I think I'm having a mental breakdown.

I'll just... go and get some sleep.


Wednesday, 18th April 1928

Dear Diary,

I received a ton of presents today. Not a huge deal, except for Winston being here. Unexpected. But anyway, I'll go and catch up on my sleep because why not?


P.S. I'm sleeping earlier than usual today and my sleep paralysis episodes seem to be going down.

P.S.S. That's a total lie in terms of me sleeping earlier. Not true. Sorry but not true. Nuh-uh. 

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