XII. Alexander

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Saturday, 1st August 1925 

Dear Diary,

I'm going to make this quick, so a mere summary. It's been a couple of months since I've met Princess Isabelle. I have this feeling towards her, an attraction more like, and it's not because of her titles and whatnot. This feeling... is more than being friends and such. But, before I get a chance to dwell on what-if scenarios, today is the start of the process of recruitment for the respective departments in the British Branch, now that the main structure of Regius Obligatus is running. Also, this month will be the start of building the headquarters in London. I'm extremely excited about how it will turn out since there's been planning to the architecture and the overall structure of headquarters. I'm planning to make the London headquarters the main basis of serving as the blueprint to all the future headquarters buildings for other branches through expansion.

This will be all, Diary.


Tuesday,25th August 1925

Dear Diary,

Grandpapa has finally allowed me to attend the University of Cambridge, alongside Hugo. I couldn't be more cheerful. At least I get to take a bit of a break away from royal life as I attend the University and to further my education and knowledge. My bachelors are History, German, English, Latin, French, Italian, Russian and Visual Arts. I know it's a lot, but I'll manage. Somehow, Hugo has chosen the same bachelors, save for Visual Arts.

The first week at Cambridge was amazing, not to mention the fact there was an airfield not far from Cambridge is, so Hugo and I would always go there on the weekends (more like Hugo and I had decided after the first one), that we get to watch several RAF members train, and would encourage us to train within the respective squadrons and platoons. Hugo is calling me for training. I will write more in this diary soon.


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