XLIX. Sophia

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Monday, 31st October 1932 

Dear Diary,

As today is Halloween, it is the third year in a row that I cannot go and trick-or-treat with my elder sister, considering that she is in Cambridge as of the moment, studying with Alexander. Yes, Isabelle and I do write to one another, and the fact that I write to Prince Antony as well, after we had met each other a few years ago. Considering we are both in the same boat, Antony and I, we have no perspectives of becoming the monarch of our respective nations as we are far down the line of succession. Antony and I discussed both our futures, and what it could possibly hold, as well as the occasional agreement in our letters that our elder siblings should confess their love with one another, as it is fairly obvious for us, and everyone else that they are in love.

Yet again, another extremely short diary entry from me. I apologize for this.


Friday, 18th November 1932

Dear Diary,

It is just another month away until the Christmas holidays, and my sister will come back and visit. I hope she brings Alexander too because he is the nicest person who treats me as an actual person, other than my sister, and family, of course. I know it's because I'm part of the French and Danish Royal Families, but, sometimes it can be frustrating to use formal titles and everyone to address me as "Ma'am", and "Your Royal Highness." It can be a tad bit overwhelming sometimes.

I wonder what Alexander will bring me in terms of presents. Maybe it would be books. But who knows? It's Alexander and he can be unpredictable sometimes. Yet, I bet he is predictable to Isabelle regarding his presents.


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