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Friday, 17th April 1925

The letter requesting funds for Regius Obligatus was received by the Prime Minister and was read to Cabinet.

"Is this madness? The King accepting this... the new organization made by a four-year-old Prince who doesn't know anything of the world is pure maddening!" James Mable, a member of Cabinet, objects in a loud voice.

"Yes, that is maddening but do not underestimate the young Prince, James. I have met him. He is wise beyond his years," Stanley Baldwin - the current Prime Minister - rebutted the member, "and unlike other four-year-olds, he is a prodigy. With the Crown behind the young Prince, the creation of this... organization will benefit not just MI5 and MI6, but also the economy."

"But to ask for funding from the Royal Treasury until this organization gets on its own feet, God knows when that will happen!" James rebutted the Prime Minister, earning a few nods of agreement from a few other members.

"However, this will benefit us all, James! And talking from the Minister of Defence, this new organization might be what we needed!" Edward Manson spoke out.

After an hour of debate, they came to a verdict: Cabinet will not fund Regius Obligatus.

In the meantime:

Winston Churchill - current Chancellor of the Exchequer - arrives at Buckingham Palace at 9 in the morning, meeting with the King. He made his way to the King's private office. Lord Stamfordham showed him in.

"The Chancellor of Exchequer, your Majesty," Lord Stamfordham introduced Winston as he entered.

"Your Majesty," Winston said as he bowed. They both shared a handshake before the King sat down.

"I know this is very... unconstitutional for me as a monarch of this great nation, but I do have a favour or two to ask of you," The King stated.

"What is it, sir?" Winston asked as his curiosity peaked.

"I have heard that my grandson, Prince Alexander, has sent letters requesting funds to help start-up Regius Obligatus," George stated.

"Regius Obligatus, sir?" Winston continued to ask, curiosity still peaked.

"Latin for the Royal Obligation. It's an organization similar to MI5 and MI6, yet more complex and something that will help boost this nation to become the number one in the game of espionage, defence, among other things," George explained.

"But, sir... We have MI5 and MI6 for this. Why would your grandson, if I don't mind asking, create an organization similar to MI5 and MI6 if the goals are similar?" Winston asked, bringing a point up in regards to Regius Obligatus.

"He has no prospect of becoming King, Winston. He is, after all, third in line. He needs something to occupy his mind besides the Dukedom of Cambridge," George replied, remembering what Alexander had told him privately.

"The Dukedom of Cambridge, sir?"

"Yes. Tomorrow is his birthday, and it is time, I believe, to prepare him in case there are any problems in the future," George replied, and Winston nodded.

"Ah... Sir, why did you call for me?"

"Getting to the point, I suppose. I would like to ask funds on behalf of Alexander, directly from the Chancellor of the Exchequer himself."

"Sir... that is unconstitutional. Even if it is for Alexander's behalf, sir. I'm sorry, sir, I couldn't bend the laws of the monarchy for Alexander."

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