XXVII. Emily

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Wednesday, 11th July 1928

Dear Diary,

Today was an interesting day, considering we were talking about the new and recent updates in Regius Obligatus. This includes the finished construction of all the bases in Europe, whilst the Italian and Soviet Russian bases are approximately 25% finished (according to Douglas) as the bases throughout the Americas have just started construction, and agents are beginning to be recruited, going through the strict application process like the application process here in Europe.

We've made the Head and Deputies of the Americas (branches: the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela) official after some months of debating and narrowing down the applicants, going through a strict regimen of rigid and rigorous interviews. They are the following:

The Americas: 

Head: Johann England

Deputy: Roberto Assunção Canto

The United States:

Head: Max Dean

Deputy: Dominic Bates


Head: Ryan Bishop

Deputy: Enzo Beckman


Head: Andres Zetticci

Deputy: Anton Rodriguez


Head: Leandro Ito Vidal

Deputy: Igor Costa Álvarez


Head: Hugo Maciel Rosário

Deputy: Jonas Furtado Câmara

I told Alexander, as Douglas and Hugo agreed, that Regius Obligatus is quickly spreading its influences, across two continents. 

Since this is my official work-related diary entry, I'm going to sign off now, 


Tuesday, 31st July 1928

Dear Diary, 

The four of us received our letters of acceptance from the University of Oxford and we've celebrated throughout the night. This is an extremely short diary entry, considering I was slightly drunk, and this diary entry was written after two drinks of tequila, resigning myself, not wanting to have a major hangover tomorrow. Of course, I am the responsible one.


Friday, 17th August 1928

Dear Diary, 

This is just a quick diary entry because we just arrived at Oxford earlier this week, and moved into our respective apartments. We had our orientation at the university, and have filled out our chosen classes for the winter term, taking a lot of classes together, and some different classes, when we compared our schedule. 

I better prepare my messenger bag for next week's classes. 


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