XLI. Emily

17 2 0

Friday, 18th April 1931 

Dear Diary,

The whole Regius Obligatus had sent a load of birthday cards, as well as music sheets because there's a word going around the headquarters that Alexander is a violinist. Music sheets are a new one, and yet, there's a lot of classical music sheets given to Alexander, from what I heard from Douglas. Anyway, I'm here in London, staying in the headquarters, taking on a new frontier as I work in the headquarters. I like how Alexander layout the fifth floor. It is very entertaining, considering there were areas of relaxation and such. Everything is functioning, as it should be. I've sent weekly letters to Alexander, reporting to him the updates and just the general things. Being the Assistant Deputy General-Director has a lot of work, but I managed to keep it under control now that I have utilized my office, being efficient.

I'll sign off, considering I'm on a sleeping schedule now, a rather fixed one, of course.


P.S. Next Friday is Hugo's birthday, and on the 21st is Elizabeth's fifth birthday.

Sunday, 31st May 1931

Dear Diary,

I just received an odd letter from Alexander, something about creating a whole new department... A single department now that we have two of the most needed continents infiltrated with Regius Obligatus. According to him, it'll be called Absconditus Custos, Latin for the Concealed Guardian, where it'll be a department focused on assassinations nd all that. Also, in that letter, he said to start introducing Regius Obligatus in Asia. No matter, considering there is a Civil War in China. Now that Alexander and Hugo are quite busy with their PhDs, it is up to Douglas and me to carry out our respective duties to help lighten their load up a bit, alongside to oversee the expansion.


Tuesday, 30th June 1931

Dear Diary,

Summer has started for the trio for two weeks now, and this month is very interesting. The German Chancellor had visited London just over three weeks ago, and the British Prime Minister (Ramsay MacDonald, mind you) has acted very interestingly, from an economic standpoint on the same day. The Asian branches are slowly coming together, as we had already decided where the different bases are, as well as including Oceania into the picture. That'll be the third continent that's going to be a part of Regius Obligatus, and Alexander - being rather ambitious - wants to push the African and Middle East programs of Regius Obligatus by the start of next year, so we have three different programmes simultaneously going with one another, as according to Alexander: "The Great Depression, as many would call it now, has no sign of stopping the economic plunge and recession... As unemployment rises each day, each month and each year, we must do everything in our power to try and slowly decrease the unemployment rate, which means giving people jobs. By doing so, we might as well introduce Regius Obligatus into the rest of the world, taking advantage of this."

Well, that is rather ambitious of him, but when he put his line of reasoning that way, who could ever refuse Alexander? He knows how to use words to put forth his ideas - among other things - and it will get done.


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