LXXII. Antony

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Sunday, 26th January 1936

Dear Diary,

Everything just seems... different now that Grandpapa is gone. Alex seems to have changed, for better or for worse, but who knows for sure? Only a few people know for certain that he has changed for better or for worse, and it isn't - to a certain extent – me, however. But now that he is back, I have been asking him questions on which military career to choose since he is in two of the three areas of the British military. Alex replied, with long detailed explanations that made my choices a tad bit harder.

After a long reflection earlier today, I have decided that I will join the Royal Navy, following the Royal tradition. Right now, like everyone who is close to Alexander, seems to be very worried about him, knowing that he was close to Grandpapa. But I think he's coping with it slowly, by throwing himself back to work and all. I heard he started playing rugby a couple of days ago. I went with him, and soon, I get to know plenty of people in the Royal Navy after Alexander had introduced me to them. Ever since that day, I get to hang out with them, just talking about their experiences and all in the Royal Navy.

Overall, it is just the same old things that are repeating ever since Grandpapa's death. The same daily routine that happened that was ignited through the transition of King to another. Nothing seems to really have been greatly affected. But, except for Alexander. I think. But I refuse to believe that he is fine and alright, like he always tells me and the rest of the family if we ask. Observing from afar, I think something from Grandpapa's death had awoke in Alexander, since there seems to be a slight change in him? I'm not entirely sure though.


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