XXVIII. Alexander

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Saturday, 29th September 1928

'It's only been a month into Masters. Wait... Am I complaining?' I thought as I exhaustedly walked to the kitchen of the apartment, to find the whole senior team, Owen, Maddox, Johann, Roberto (both have recently arrived here from the DC headquarters), Adrian and Franklin (Head and Deputy Head of the UK branch) here, talking to one another. They stopped when they saw me and immediately bowed, except for Johann and Roberto. I stared at them, giving them a look, thinking that someone should brush them up with royal etiquette, before turning my attention back to everyone.

"Let's get to work, shall we?" I asked them, and they all nodded.

"Adrian, what's the situation here at home?" I asked him, and he went into depth with the situation. I asked Owen, Johann and the senior leadership team about the situation. I nodded, noting them down in a small notepad.

The Italian and Soviet Russian bases are 25% finished in terms of construction, and the bases in the Americas are approximately 5% finished.

'What a relief, considering everything is getting to plan.' I thought, reflecting for a quick moment.

After planning and working all morning, we'd then head out to a local restaurant for lunch, where we'd talk about random topics, laughing and being our age, kids being kids and whatnot. We then just made our way to the park, fooling around, before we decided to play football.

"Who's volunteering to get the football?" I asked, curious. Emily said she'll get it before going to get it.

A couple of minutes later, Emily returned to where we were, as we were already divided into two teams. Group A, or better known as the Tudor Rose, were led by me, whilst Group B - Les Bleus (The Blues) [to be honest with you here, you think Hugo would be more... creative in terms of the name... But then again... the Tudor Rose isn't exactly creative, coming from me] - were led by Hugo. What this comes down to is... the French vs the English, as they did during the Hundred Years War, just saying. But this is a more friendly rivalry, not some socio-economic or political situation (common possibilities that can lead to war) that comes down to a game of football between a group of friends.

My group includes Adrian, Franklin, Owen and myself. Hugo's group includes Maddox, Johann, Roberto and himself. The game started after a coin flip, resulting in me winning, predicting heads. There's a fifty-fifty chance that the coin can land on either heads or tails. The four of us got into a plan among a few things.

We spent the whole afternoon just mucking about with the football match, before heading back to the university for dinner.

Friday, 30th November 1928 

Dear Diary,

It's been two months since I've been in this journey of doing my masters, alongside Emily, Douglas, and Hugo. It's been a long two months, and I'm getting these random bouts of sleep paralysis episodes, but it wasn't as often now that Regius Obligatus is in a very strong position to achieve its goals, among several other things.

I'll go and get some sleep now, trying to get more hours of sleep now to fit into my schedule.


Friday, 28th December 1928

Dear Diary,

I believe this will be a short diary entry because I'm limboing between Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year. Again, I've received a great number of gifts, and I've received lessons from Winston too. Since I've been away from home for a long period, Antony seems to have grown, and his vocabulary has increased.

Oh, I almost forgot, there's a meeting with Grandpapa, explaining all the new things that are happening, including the ninth floor of the headquarters, which will be held as a place for red-listed prisoners of Regius Obligatus.

Bloody hell, it's quite late.


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