LXVIII. Isabelle

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Alex and I would be in the library, reading in silence. A silence that is comfortable between both of us, as there are no awkwardness. Once in awhile, I would glance up at Alex, who was just lying on the couch, as I watched him read. He wore a poker face expression, not bothered by the world around him, focusing on the pages in front of him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him worriedly, knowing that he still is in mourning. I waited for a moment before he looked up to me.

"Hm?" He replied, implying he hadn't heard my question.

"Is something wrong? You seemed more quiet than usual," I replied as I closed my book. I set it on the table before I walked to the couch. He sat up, leaning his back against the couch as I sat.

"A lot of things, it would seem," Alex replied, sighing as if he's unsure of what to talk about.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked, looking into Alex's eyes, a pair of eyes that I would never be bored of just by looking at it. He just smiled before looking away. I just melted into a pool of joy and swoon. His eyes match his charming personality.

'Stop this. He is your friend. Not a boyfriend or anything,' I thought harshly to myself.

"Well," Alex started, pulling me out my thoughts, "I am just unsure about what is going to happen in Europe now that Grandpapa has just passed away. I'm unsure if Uncle David would be a great king, and where he will lead the United Kingdom in the future. Regius Obligatus is in a full war mode."

"Regius Obligatus? I know it has to do something with you, but I never knew what it truly is," I asked. Alex's ears flustered red, making him extremely cute. He nervously laughed.

"Can you keep this a secret?" He asked me.

"I will not share this secret with anyone, Alex. I will take this to my grave," I promised him, who smiled.

Then, for the rest of the afternoon, he would talk about Regius Obligatus. I just sat there, with great admiration and respect for Alex, staring at him as he explains Regius Obligatus. By the time dinner rolls around, he looks much better. I think it must do something related to our talking earlier today. 

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