Alliances & Angels

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⚠️ Please read the synopsis before you read this chapter, bc I don't wanna waste any time introducing characters⚠️


"Let's go over the plan again" said Kairi, running a hand through his hair. I rolled my eyes and downed the rest of my whiskey. I felt it burn my throat as I sunk into my seat.

"Mattia? Are you even fucking listening to me?" he yelled over the music.

"Did you really think the best place to discuss this would be a club?" I yelled back.

Kairi, Alejandro and I were sitting in a nightclub we often came to. To say we were one of the most powerful mafia's in the whole of New Jersey, we definitely didn't look the part. Kairi was stressed the fuck out, I was slowly becoming tipsy, and Alejandro was fussing over some girl who had invited herself to our table. The music finally lowered and Kairi took his chance.

"Can you leave?" he said, looking straight at Ale's friend. She gave him a cold stare before walking away. Alejandro glared at Kairi as I refilled my glass.

"Can you fucking stop? We've been here for less than an hour, get wasted once we've done the mission" he hissed at me, snatching the bottle out of my hands.

"In case you forgot, I'm the fucking leader of this mafia, I'm the capo, I'm in fucking charge" I said, taking the bottle back.

"Then act like it" chimed in Alejandro.

"Just fucking go over the plan" I sighed, looking at Kairi.

"So, the leader of Diaz Cartel is meeting us here in 10 minutes. Hector Diaz. We need to convince him that we want to form an alliance. Once we've done that, we should be granted access into their warehouse. From there, we can raid it and take everything, just how it was supposed to go all them years back"

I sighed as I remembered the time when my Father had tried to carry out the same mission. He ended up with a bullet in his right shoulder, and lost almost 8 soldiers. There was no doubt in my mind that this wouldn't end the same way.

"Wait that'll mean our main enemy will be Diaz Cartel, and they're the most deadliest gang, after us"

We both turned to face Alejandro who'd made a good point, but also hit an nerve.

"We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it" I said, taking a sharp intake of breath. I looked at my phone. They were due to arrive in 5 minutes. My eyes wandered around the club, until a female caught my eyes. Dressed in a tight black dress, which perfectly defined her figure, she was dancing with a boy who I could only assume was a friend. He had his hands on her hips, and she had her back to him.  She allowed her jet black hair hair to fall naturally, just below her shoulders.

She was breathtaking, angelic almost.

My eyes were captivated by her looks, and there was no way I was leaving the club without getting her number. I saw her guy friend gesture towards the bar, and she nodded as he left the dance floor.

That's a bitch move.

"I'll be back" I said, standing up. Kairi looked up at me in disbelief.

"Mattia what the fuck, they're here in five minutes"

"I said I'll be back" I repeated, making my way over to the dance floor. I pushed through the crowd of people until she was in sight. She was even more beautiful up close. I thought quickly and placed my hands on her hips, holding my breath.

"You're back already?" she shouted over the music. I smirked as our hips swayed to the music. Nicely done, Polibio. I felt her place her hands on mine and pulled her closer to me. I didn't notice, but she looked down and saw the gold bracelet on my wrist. Seconds later she pulled away, turning around to look at me in horror.

"Wait, I swear I only wanted your number" I smirked, my eyes travelling down her insane body.

"What the fuck?" she yelled, luckily the music was loud enough to cover her. She knew that too, hence why she raised her arm and slapped me across my face. My cheek was stinging and I bit the inside of my cheek as she walked away. No girl had ever done me like that before. I turned to see if she left or not, but instead, I saw Hector Diaz walk in with two soldiers.

I made my way back to the table just before they approached. Kairi and Alejandro noticed the red mark on my cheek, but I shrugged it off quickly.

"Hector Diaz" I said, extending my hand. He stared at me for a second, before shaking my hand.

"Well if it isn't NJ13" he snarled, looking at Kairi and Alejandro.

"The most dangerous mafia, huh?" he mocked. It took everything in me not to reach for the gun in my jeans. I had to at least try and form this alliance first.

"Aye, can we get a private room?" I asked one of the waiters who passed us. He nodded and lead us upstairs into a much quieter space. Kairi, Alejandro and I took a seat on one side of the table, and he took a seat opposite, with his soldiers stood by the door.

"Do they have to be in here?" I asked.

"Always" he said, flashing me a creepy smile. Nothing about the Diaz cartel was good news.

"Anyway, we've been thinking about forming an alliance with your cartel" I started, but I was cut off by Hector, laughing extra loudly. I took a deep breath as he slapped the couch.

"I'm sorry, an alliance?" he laughed, pointing at me. I felt my blood starting to boil. I had never liked him.

"Yeah, so if you'd just listen-"

"I will not listen to you, Polibio" he said, suddenly losing all the humour aspect.

"We're not starting any kind of alliance, and don't even try getting into my warehouse, or you'll end up in the ground" he stood up to leave "exactly where your Father should be right now"

My hand flew to my side pocket and I pulled my gun out, aiming it as his head. Only to see that his soldiers had aimed their guns at me, resulting in Kairi aiming his gun at them.

"Look what the fuck you've done" said Alejandro, stepping forward. But Hector simply chuckled to himself.

"Go on, shoot me" he said, looking in my direction. My finger traced the trigger with desperation to blow his fucking head off.

"Mattia don't" said Alejandro quietly. As much as I wanted to kill Hector, I knew it'd only start even more trouble. I lowered my weapon, and so did Kairi. Hector signalled you his soldiers to do lower their guns, and they did so.

"Excellent" he said, clasping his hands together. He turned to leave, exiting the room with both soldiers.

"Fuck" I exclaimed, placing my gun on the table. I knew that would be hard. But failure never sat well in our family.

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