Retail Therapy

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"We need to go to England" I said. Alejandro looked at me as if I was going crazy and Kairi yawned loudly.

"Why? She's not in England" he said, I raised my eyebrows at him and he facepalmed.

"She's in England?" said Kairi. I explained it to them as we got in the jet and they were both as confused as I was. About Luis, about her nonchalant attitude, about everything.

"I'm not going England"

I was walking back to the cabin when I overheard Kairi speaking to Alejandro. I hung behind the curtains for a second and listened to them.

"We have to" said Ale "Mattia cares about her and if he says we're going England then we're going England, just suck it up"

"But she's fucked you guys around so many times, I don't understand how she isn't dead" Kairi said.

"Neither do I, it just shows how much Mattia likes her"

"She's turning him weak" said Kairi loudly "she's going to get in his head, and then take over everything we've built"

"Stop talking shit, Kairi" I said, coming out from the corridor. He looked at me in shock, realising I'd heard the conversation. Alejandro laughed and went to pour himself a drink as I took a seat.

"I didn't mean to-"

"I don't give a fuck about what you meant, Kairi"

"Who wants a scotch?" chimed in Alejandro. I nodded, but Kairi sunk lower into the seat.

"You really think I'm that bad of a leader huh?" I said, taking the glass.

"No, of course not-"

"You really think I'm weak?"

"What? Nah why would I-"

"And you think I'm losing our mafia to a girl, right?"

"Mattia I swear-"

"Aye Marco, take us back to Jersey" I shouted to the pilot. Alejandro's mouth turned into an O shape and Kairi started fidgeting in his seat.

"If you hate her so bad I won't make you see her, we'll leave you at home and go ourselves" I said, looking at my phone as the plane fell silent.

Me: Liv talk to me

Liv: I told you, I don't need your help

Me: but you're on your own

Liv: and? I can't take care of myself?

Me: that's not what I'm saying

Liv: no that's exactly what you're saying

Mattia: I'm sorry

Liv: I have crumpets to eat, goodbye

Mattia: save some for me? *read

I sighed and turned my phone off again. I'd read that conversation at least four times now.



"These are disgusting, how do the British eat these?"

I pushed the plate of crumpets away from me, earning a few bad looks from the people around Luis and I. He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

"Can you please unite me? This is embarrassing" he whisper shouted, his eyes darting around the cafe we were sitting in. I ignored him and opened my phone to finally see no new messages from Mattia.

"Shut up a second, would you?" I said, keeping my eyes on my phone. I texted Dad to let him know I was fine. As I should be.

"I want new clothes" I said, staring out at all the shops in front of us. I'd found a mall which wasn't too far from the airport. And I'd been wearing the same hoodie for long enough. I smiled sweetly at Luis who glared back at me, shaking his head.

"Don't you fucking dare, Olivia" he said. But I stood up and put my hand in his suit pocket, pulling out a gold card 

"Christmas came early" I winked, walking towards the door.

"Fuck" he muttered, following behind me.

"Don't worry, I'll buy you some lingerie" I laughed, walking into the first shop. Luis stayed near me whilst I looked through the clothes and tried to find something I liked.

"Can I help you Ma'am?"

I turned around to see one of the workers giving me an annoyingly wide smile.

"Oh, no I'm good thank you" I said, returning back to the clothes. She looked at Luis and back at me, trying to figure out what to say.

"I have no idea, he just loves being tied up" I said, shrugging my shoulders as Luis face turned red.

"Let's go somewhere else" I said, walking towards an expensive looking shop.

"I thought Mattia and his two boys would've come to save you by now" said Luis. It stung a little hearing his name, but I brushed it off quickly. Luis was only trying to get a reaction out of me.

"He probably did, but I changed route"

"I don't think he's good for you" said Luis. I scoffed and turned to look at him, but he wasn't smirking or grinning at me. He was casually looking at the clothes around him, he was being serious.

"Why not?" I said, trying to act casual as we spoke.

"I don't know, you're just two very different people"

"Opposites attract" I said, picking out a black blazer and trousers with a fancy black bra. 

"Still, you'd look better with me"

"There it is" I said, rolling my eyes. I walked over to the checkout and paid for the outfit, walking into the changing rooms after. I changed and left my old clothes in there. Luis eyes grew wide when I walked out.

"Mattia really is missing out"

I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed him towards the exit.

"I need money, not boys"


We walked into a mall we found near the airport in England.

"I need food" said Kairi. I sighed and pointed towards the food court. We walked in and I looked around at all the people. It would be impossible to find Liv in here amongst all these people. Alejandro and Kairi went to get food and I sat at a table.


I looked up from my phone to see a group of teenage boys sitting at the table next to me, all staring in the same direction with their mouths open. I looked around and noticed other people were starting to stare in the same direction.

I looked for myself and saw a beautiful woman. Wearing an all black outfit, walking like she owned the place. Her hair fell perfectly by her waist, and she was being followed by a man also in a suit. There was a smile on his face as his arms swung freely as he walked behind her. Wait. I squinted my eyes a little and there she was.

Holy shit.

A/N : y'all I know I don't usually do pictures in my stories but I had to show you this. So here's what I imagined Liv's outfit to be-

 So here's what I imagined Liv's outfit to be-

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