Don't Test Me

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"I feel like all we do is eat" I said, staring down at the box of leftover pizza in my lap. Alejandro laughed at my comment as we pulled into the driveway where there were several more cars than usual.

"What's going on?" he said, trying to recognise the white Bentley parked in his spot. I looked through the kitchen windows and my heart almost dropped to my stomach. Alejandro followed my gaze to the kitchen where Mattia and Maria were sitting opposite each other. Giancomo beside Mattia and a soldier beside Maria.

"What the fuck is he doing?" I said, angrily getting out the car.

"Liv wait!" called Alejandro, but I was already in the hallway. I burst into the kitchen as dramatically as I could, all eyes landing on me. Everyone stayed silent as I walked over to the table, picking up a paper which had the words 'Marriage License" written on it. I looked at Mattia who was looking back at me, annoyed I'd interrupted his little get together.

"What the fuck?" I said, holding up the paper. I looked at Maria and Giancomo who were trying to hide their smiles.

"I'm doing what's best for the mafia" said Mattia, standing up and moving towards me.

"Just give me it, Liv" he said, but I held the paper away from him. I read it and saw the part where he had to sign was still blank, but of course Maria had signed it.

"You were going to sign this?" I asked him, feeling a tear slide down my cheek.

"We'll leave you both alone" smirked Giancomo, leaving the room with Maria following behind him.

"Why are you causing a scene?" asked Mattia, swiping at me again to try get the paper.

"Causing a scene? Fuck you" I spat, ripping the sheet of paper in half and letting it sink to the ground. Mattia facepalmed and shook his head, reaching down to retrieve the pieces of paper.

"Why are you doing this?" he said, walking over to the table. Him acting so calmly was weirding me out.

"Me? All I asked was for us to be official and now you're here marrying the bitch who tried to kill me?"

"It's for-"

"Fuck you and your stupid mafia!" I screamed, pushing him backwards as I tried to hold back my stupid tears at the same time. He stumbled backwards and held onto my arms, pulling me towards him.

"Just hear me out!"

"Why the fuck should I listen to you?" I shouted, pulling myself away from him.

"We'll just be married on paper, there's no love there, it's just business" he argued, becoming irritated.

"Bullshit" I said "you're still fucking married to her you dumbass"

"It was never meant to go this far, I swear" he said, leaning against the countertop and hiding his face in his hands. I looked at the papers on the table and glasses of wine along with the plate of appetisers.

"I can't take this anymore" I sobbed, squeezing my eyes shut and turning my back on him.

"We can still work it out-"

"There is no 'we'! There never will be, can't you see that? We're so fucking complicated" I yelled. The kitchen door opened and Alejandro walked in, looking at me then at Mattia.

"I couldn't stay in there any longer" he said, pointing at the living room where the other two were "all they keep talking about is the wedding"

I laughed to myself and Mattia glared at Alejandro.
He walked over to me and tried to reach for my hand, but I moved away from him as if his touch was a poison.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered sincerely. I shrugged my shoulders, placing my hand on the doorknob behind me as I took one last look around the kitchen.

"It's alright" I said, avoiding eye contact "saving me was never your job anyway"

His shoulders dropped slightly as I wiped the tears away from my eyes for what must've been the millionth time today. I walked over to the table and picked myself up a glass of champagne, raising it to Mattia as I walked past him on my way out.

"Enjoy your fucking wedding"

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