Almost Yours Again

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Olivia shrugged her shoulders, desperately trying to keep her mouth shut. Mattia stared at her for a second before laughing to himself.

"So you won't tell me anything?"

Again, silence. Mattia nodded awkwardly, whilst looking around the room. Olivia ran her fingers over the knife which was strapped to her thigh, but quickly moved her hand when Mattia turned to her again.

"What the fuck do you see in Mariano?"

She stayed quiet, shrugging her shoulders slightly. She never saw anything in him, all she did was feed information to her Father about their whereabouts. Mar had carried out over 150 missions in the past five years. Only 20 of those missions had been successful. The FBI would always be there before Mar, interrupting the mission perfectly.

Every time Mar had planned on killing Mattia, Olivia had stepped in and distracted him. How she longed to tell Mattia that right now.

"Can I take your mask off?" he asked, inching closer to her. Olivia shook her head, but that didn't stop him. She shuffled backwards on the couch as his hands came closer to her face.

When it became clear that he wouldn't take no for an answer, Liv's hand darted for the knife under her dress. She pulled the knife out from underneath, pointing it at Mattia's chest. He raised his arms up in surrender but a smile still remained on his face.

"You're not going to kill me, Liv"

Olivia's eyes widened when he said her name. He'd spotted her almost as easily as she'd recognised him.

She lowered the knife slowly, before removing her mask and dropping it onto the table in front of them. Mattia chuckled to himself, much to Olivia's annoyance. She looked at him, narrowing her eyes.

"What's so funny?"

He looked at her for a second, before answering her question.

"You, and a knife. It just doesn't make sense"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I don't know, you weren't this bold before. Clearly Mar changed you" he said, eyeing the tray of shots on the table.

"Mar doesn't have anything to do with this" she said, holding the knife in her hands.

"Why are you defending that asshole?"

His nose wrinkled as he tried to understand why his former flame would want anything to with the man he hated most.

"I don't know" she said quietly, looking at the ground. Olivia knew the conversation would be tough, but the awkwardness was indescribable.

"I think we're done here" Mattia sighed, standing up. Olivia immediately stood up after him, she wasn't losing him this time.

"No we're not" she said firmly, the knife still in her hand. Mattia faced her, his eyebrows raised.

"Why are you being so difficult?" Liv snapped.

"That's rich coming from you"

"Fuck you" she mumbled, walking towards the door. Mattia started clapping slowly as Olivia held her breath.

"Seems like leaving is all you're good at" he said, looking at the door.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she yelled, causing Mattia to jump a little "you're the one who left five fucking years ago!"

"Cause you fucked up!" Mattia shouted back, pointing his finger at Liv.

"And you clearly didn't miss me" sighed Liv, walking back to the couch. But Mattia wasn't done there.

"No I didn't miss you" he said, mocking Liv's tone "nobody would"

Liv stopped in her tracks, her grip beginning to tighten on the knife in her hand.

"Son of a bitch!" she screamed, turning around and plunging the knife towards Mattia's chest. Mattia grabbed her wrist, just as it was centimetres away from his shirt.

"Let go" Liv struggled, trying to pull her wrist away as Mattia started dragging her towards the couch.

"Mattia!" she shouted, trying to get his attention. He pulled her arm towards him, resulting in them both being closer than ever. Liv felt her heart beating violently as he stared into her eyes.

"Don't fucking yell at me" he said, his voice was low, sending impulses through her. She was turned on, there was no doubt. Yet she was still angry with him. Or at least, she wanted to be.

Keeping his eyes on her, he took the knife out of her hand, before letting go. He dropped it down onto the table. Liv stared at him, wondering what he'd do if she pulled him into a kiss.

"Leave" he said, downing a shot. He squeezed his eyes shut as the liquid burned his throat. Olivia took a seat next to him, watching as he took another.

"I said-"

"I don't fucking care what you said, Mattia"

He looked at her, still taken aback by how much confidence she'd gained in five whole years.

"Are you forgetting I'm a fucking Mafia boss? I could break your nose if I wanted to"

"Then do it" she said, leaning forward. Her face was close to his, her cheek next to his lips as she looked forward. He couldn't remember the last time they were this close.

He looked at her cheek for a second, before taking ahold of her chin and turning her face towards him. Before she could speak, he pressed his lips onto hers, all the feelings rushing back. He felt something go off on him as her tongue entered his mouth, immediately making him want more. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed a hand on her back, lowering her down so he was on top.

Without breaking the kiss, she unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off, exposing his chest. Her hands travelled down his abs as he deepened the kiss, his hands tangled in her hair.

"Why" he muttered, kissing her passionately. Her fingers glided across his smooth skin, giving her the same butterflies she had once felt five years ago. She tugged on his trousers, but he pulled away, looking into her eyes as they caught their breath.

"Why did you come back"

Before Olivia had a chance to answer, the door swung open, along with the sound of several guns clicking. Olivia's heart sank as she heard that voice.

"I see you failed your mission"

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