A New Chapter

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"Why aren't you ready?"

Olivia looked up from her phone and saw Alejandro entering her room. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, accompanied by a silver chain. Olivia rolled her eyes at his question, forcing herself out of bed.

"The event doesn't start for two hours, I have time"

"Yes, but this is the first time we're seeing Mattia in like 8 months, don't you want to leave an impression on him?"

Liv thought about it. It had been a year since she was handed Diaz Cartel, which she had renamed "uccidere tutti gli uomini".

It was Italian for "Kill All Men". Better known as K.A.M. Not a name she was particularly proud of, rather an impulse when she was at her lowest and still had hatred for Mattia. Who was now a married man, leading NJ13 alongside Maria and Kairi. Alejandro had disapproved of their marriage, causing him to leave NJ13 and instead become Olivia's right hand. Much to Mattia's disapproval.

But Olivia had had an alarming amount of success in the past year. She'd managed to take out Nikolai 19 or whatever was left of it after Maria joined Mattia. She'd gained a large amount of publicity, not all of it was good press.

Now her next target was NJ13. But she couldn't figure out whether she wanted Mattia back, or whether she purely wanted everything he owned.

"I'll get ready, now leave me alone" she said, pulling out the blue sequin dress from her closet. She put it against her chest and stared ahead in the mirror, frowning at her appearance. Something wasn't doing it for her. Without thinking, something she was becoming good at, she walked over to her dresser, picking up the scissors and walking into the bathroom. She raised the scissors to her long, black hair, taking a deep breath.

"It's the annual mafia ball, I can't look like the same basic bitch I was a year ago" she told herself, dragging the scissors through her silky locks. She took a step back, feeling the loose hair fall at her feet as she admired her new hairstyle in the mirror. It was noticeably short, up to her shoulders. But she could pull it off. She could pull anything off.

She slipped into the dress as there was a knock at the door. She pulled the door back to see her Dad, standing in front of her with a small box containing a flower.

"Dad it's a ball, not a prom" she laughed, inviting him in. He beamed at her and took the pink flower out, wrapping it around her wrist.

"I'm proud of how far you've come, darling" he smiled, leaning forward and kissing her head. Throughout it all, her Father had never left her side. Her Mother hadn't approved, so she moved out. She was no longer their problem.

"Thanks, Dad" she said, giving him a warm hug before he left the room.

She slipped into her dress, applying minimal makeup and arranging her hair into a messy bun. She wasn't looking forward to tonight, to say the least. She went downstairs to see Alejandro waiting by the front door. He smiled widely when he saw her, raising his brows slightly.

"You look good for 26" he smirked, opening the front door. She contained her laugh as she walked past him and out into the night.

"I'm getting too old for this shit" she mumbled.

"Too old for what? Being a Mafia leader or listening to my jokes?" he asked.

"Both" she said, getting in the car. They began driving and Liv fumbled with the tassels on her clutch bag in her lap. Alejandro looked over and sensed she was anxious about the night ahead.

"You'll be fine, Liv" he said "just don't make any mistakes in front of him"

She sighed, leaning against her hand as she closed her eyes for a brief second. She knew he was talking about Mattia. She couldn't slip up in front of him, she had to prove that she wasn't all talk.

That she was a threat to him.

"I don't make mistakes, I date them" she said, causing Alejandro to laugh.


"Just breathe" he whispered. Liv linked her arm in his as they walked through the golden double doors.

Her eyes met with his immediately. Within a heartbeat, it was as though they'd never spent a year apart. As if they could happily pick up from where they left off. But then she saw his new wife. The replacement.

"Liv..." started Alejandro, watching her stare at him. But Olivia shook her head, breaking the eye contact between them and plastering a smile on her face. She nodded, reassuring herself as Alejandro lead her downstairs. She looked at Maria in disgust.

"That bitch couldn't take my place even if I gave it to her"

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