Thinking About You

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"You didn't have to do that" I said, walking upstairs. Dad's face was red with anger and I was the only person he'd take it out on.

"Don't walk away from me, Mattia" he said, pointing his finger at me. I sighed and turned around, awkwardly walking back downstairs. I heard a door open from upstairs but didn't bother looking up.

"I told you I never wanted to see you around her again"

"She makes me happy" I shrugged, watching him shake his head.


I stood outside my door, listening to the commotion downstairs. I knew they weren't talking about Lola, and there was only one other girl in Mattia's life, who he deeply cared for. I shook my head and picked up my jacket.

"Why are you awake?"

Mattia looked over at me as I walked downstairs, taking my keys off the hook. His Father cursed at us both before walking into the kitchen.

"Gotta meet someone" I said, walking towards the door.


I turned back to him, rolling my eyes.

"Since you got her kicked out, yeah I'm going to see my girlfriend, Any other questions?"

I watched as Mattia's face dropped, almost as if he was in shock. He opened his mouth to speak, but then covered it and ran upstairs. Thinking nothing of it, I walked outside and got into my car.


I wrapped myself in the covers and closed my eyes tight. I tried hard to not to think about what happened. I tried not to think about Mattia, or his Dad. Or even Alejandro. All of them were just trouble. I was finally falling asleep when my phone started ringing and woke me up. I looked over and saw it was Alejandro. A sick feeling appeared in my stomach. He probably found out.

I let the phone ring and breathed a sigh of relief when it was silent again. Within a matter of seconds, it started ringing again, longer this time. I put my head under the pillow, waiting for it to stop.


I was awoken by someone knocking at my door. I looked at my phone and saw it was 2am already.

"Come in" I groaned, assuming it was Dad. But when the door opened, Alejandro was standing there. With 2 tubs of ice cream and a huge teddy bear in his other hand.

"Hey you" he smiled, setting everything down on my bed and taking off his jacket.

"What are you.." I said, sitting up quickly. He passed me the ice cream tubs, strawberry and vanilla, before climbing in next to me.

"I didn't know which flavour you liked, and you didn't pick up the phone either, so I just bought both, I'll have whichever you don't want"

As realisation hit me, I burst into tears. I'd done such a terrible thing, and he cared so much for me. I couldn't imagine hurting Alejandro, I felt disgusted in myself.

"What's wrong, Liv? I can go get you something else"

I let out a laugh as he wrapped an arm around me, wiping my tears away with the other hand.

"No, I love it" I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Then what's wrong?" he said in a much softer tone. My heart warmed up when he delicately kissed my forehead, I didn't feel like ruining it all.

"I was just a little overwhelmed, that's all" 

He studied me for a second for a second before nodding and opening the ice cream.

"You didn't have to do all this" I said, watching as he opened Netflix on his phone. He smiled to himself and shook his head.

"I know but Mattia's Dad had no right to treat you the way he did, I didn't want you to go to sleep upset"

I felt butterflies appearing in me as we rested our bodies against the headboard. He leaned the phone against the teddy bear and wrapped one arm around me.

He kept his eyes glued on the screen, leaving little kisses on my head every so often. I didn't watch the movie, there was too much playing on my mind. Before I knew it, he had turned the phone off, and placed the ice cream on the nightstand.

"Let's go to sleep" he said, getting under the covers. I didn't say anything, but I noticed the frown on his face.

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